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Sunday, April 27, 2008

Write Articles With Ease

With the many ways there are to advertise products and services on the internet I have found a marketing course that will turn what you know about internet advertising upside-down.

Bum Marketing will show you how to run a successful advertising campaign without owning or maintaining a website or having a product of your own to endorse.

This course will show you where to go and how to sign up for affiliate programs. Once you have signed on to advertise the products on these websites, Bum Marketing will coach you on a way to write articles with ease.

You may not believe that you cant write articles with ease but Bum Marketing will show you what words to use in these articles and the perfect title you will give them so that you too will write articles with ease.

When you have signed up with these sites and written these articles Bum Marketing will show you how and where to submit your articles so that they will be placed on googles first page 90% of the time.

A placement on googles first page will assure that your article will be among the first seen when a consumer searches for the particular product or service you are endorsing. With this in mind you, can see how the odds are in your favor that the consumer will click the link back to the website you have placed in your article. There is a good chance that they will make a purchase and you will earn a commission. In many cases this commission can be as much as 75% of the purchase price.

If only one of the sites you advertise makes three sales for $125 each, your commission for that particular day would be $280.25. If you think about it, where else can you make that type of money in one day doing nothing more than submitting the articles you have learned to write with ease to a free site and waiting for the money to roll in.

I hope this article has helped you to see that Bum Marketing will help you out of the dark hole of a 9-5 job where you make pennies spending all of your time working your fingers to the bone.

Even though you may think you cant do this wouldnt it be worth it to learn to write articles with ease to bring more money and less stress to your life.

Get Your FREE 3-part email mini course, "The $100 A Day Income System!" Ill also give you a FREE subscription to my world-famous, no hype "$100 A Day Income System E-Zine!", get your FREE copy of, "The $100 A Day Income System!" Just for visiting us at: http://ahundreddollarsaday.com/


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