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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Article Marketing - What Is the Market Telling You?

Most article writers are willing to share their knowledge in return for two things:

  1. so that people click through to their website and possibly make a purchase of something or
  2. so that ezine owners copy the article to their site and the article allows click throughs

So, obviously, the important thing to just about every article writer is the click through to their website. To facilitate that writers need to:

  • write about subjects that people want to read about - that's first and foremost
  • write an intriguing headline that will attract attention
  • construct an interesting teaser or summary to draw readers into the body of the article
  • provide relevant keywords which will allow the article to be found in a search
  • write an article that is interesting enough for the reader to want to know more
  • construct a "Resource Box" for the reader to click on that promises even better information

Now, readers are fickle. They don't spend much time reading anything if it doesn't hook them straight away. The vast majority will skip over a poor headline or a teaser that doesn't promise them a heck of a lot and they will click away from your article faster than turning off a light switch if you do not provide the VERY BEST of all the points listed above. And even if you do provide all of those things then the click-through rate (CTR) is usually very low. That is why so many people write hundreds and even thousands of articles. They know that with such low CTR's they need a vast number of articles to create a trickle of traffic. And so they pump out article after article - many of which are dubious in nature and contain nothing in the way of any value for the reader. Readers therefore become impatient of wading through dozens of useless articles that give them NOTHING.

What can you do?

The market - impatient and skeptical readers - is looking for information. If you fail to provide it then your return for your effort as an article writer will be zero. You need to give in order to get. But so few give their readers anything. Many writers expect to write completely banal and useless articles that contain nothing of value then receive click-throughs. If your click through rate is extremely low then the market is telling you that it does NOT like your work. Get better at what you do. Provide better information. Write about more interesting subjects.

How do you do that?

Actually, it's quite easy. If you have written 10 or 20 or 30 or more articles compare them. Which ones got the best CTR's and which ones were flops? Write more articles like the ones that got the best CTR. Don't write flops. All you are doing is clogging up the internet with useless information that nobody wants to read anyway. You are wasting everybody's time, including your own.

Yeah, I know that some people throw a mish-mash of keywords together to try to take advantage of "Adsense" advertising. I call this NONsense advertising. People just want to click away to get out of the rubbish that they are in. Don't be a provider of rubbish because your name will then be associated with it. We all know the names of writers who provide extraordinary amounts of junk articles for others to wade through.

Compare your statistics.

Let me give you an example from my own personal stats. I have an article that has had 1304 views for ZERO clicks and I have another one which has had 2667 views for 400 clicks - a 15% CTR! Which one do you think I am going to use as a model for future articles on that topic? It's a no-brainer. Similarly, you can make comparisons in your own statistics to see what works and what doesn't.

If you give your market (the readers) what they want then you will see a dramatic rise in your CTRs. Keep pumping out junk and you will get what you deserve. The market is telling you what it wants. Provide it.

Unfortunately, I don't have an Article Marketing website. But I do have a wealth creation website. So, if you think that I have presented you with valuable information in this article and you want to know about how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then, click Here.


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