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Monday, April 28, 2008

Internet Marketing Articles - Mistakes 90% of New Authors Make - Do You Want Success or Failure?

Are you new to Internet marketing? Have you just started to discover article directories? By now, you have probably heard about this cost effective way of generating targeted traffic to your website or blog. I am here to tell you, that spending some time and mastering this technique can be very lucrative.

One of the first things you should do is read the rules. These are usually referred to as the, *Authors Terms of Service.* The best article directories have real people read and approve every article before they publish it. There are two important advantages to knowing the rules.

One, you don't waste your time. If you submit an article and it gets rejected, you'll have to redo parts of it one or more times. You have just wasted a bunch of time - time you could have written another article with, or just taken the rest of the day off. It probably won't take long to get discouraged if you are having these types of problems.

Two, there are levels of membership with some of the better article directories. How they determine if you are ready to achieve the next level of membership is by the quality of your articles. In part this is determined by whether or not your articles are written within the guidelines of the directory. In other words, if you have to submit your articles more than once, you are probably not ready to achieve the next level.

By the way, the higher levels of membership receive more privileges. Your articles get approved faster; you can submit more articles, and a few more things. The other advantage of achieving higher levels is that it adds to your perceived level of authority. If your reader knows they are reading an article from a Premier level Expert Author, it adds to their perception of your credentials.

Hey, every little bit helps. Remember, it is the little things that make a big difference in the long run. The more articles you write the more impact your articles have. This means more targeted traffic and more customers. By the end of the year, if you have written 150 articles and I have written 500, who do you think is going to have the best results? Learn the rules, save time and improve your confidence.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Advanced Ways to Amplify Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one technique that doesn't involve any risk. Imagine driving traffic to your site for free and getting qualified clients by just writing articles. It's really that easy and there is no catch! However, in other to be successful, you have to make sure that your articles are worth distributing. They must be well-written, useful, informative, and interesting. If you really are an expert on your chosen niche and you have a knack for writing, you wouldn't have any problem reaching the ladder of success in this method.

Here are the advanced ways to amplify your article marketing.

1. Attention-grabbing titles make difference. To increase your clickthrough rates you have to make sure that your titles are enticing enough. They must communicate the gist of your articles and they must be focus on human interest. In addition, they must also be compelling, short, brief, and direct to the point.

2. Insert keywords on your articles. This will help your writing material fare well on search result when online users search for your information. Make sure that you put your major keywords on your titles, sub titles, and on every paragraph of your articles.

3. Keep your articles short. Online users prefer short articles than longer ones. So, if you can get your message across using fewer words, the better. It would help if you can make your articles scannable by using bullet or numbered lists when you are giving tips or instructions.

4. Write more articles. When you do, you will be able to obtain more link back for your website and that would mean increased in website traffic and improved page ranking.

5. Include a brief summary of your articles. This will be helpful in making sure that your readers remember the important points that were raised on your articles.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

30 Facts for the Article Marketing Newbie

In the course of my research on article writing, I take lots of notes and enter them into a file. I have pages and pages of facts relating to article marketing. Unfortunately, I rarely note the source of these facts. So, I apologize for not giving proper credit to the original sources. However, I thought this list might be quite helpful to those who are new to article writing. And, I've sprinkled in a fact or two to amuse the veteran writer.

Be timeless with your articles; write articles that will still be relevant in a year. Learn enough to become the expert in your field. Write short, interesting articles of about 400-700 words. They didn't come to read a novel! More people read articles on weekdays. (I guess this says a lot about our work ethic!) Fewer articles are submitted on weekends.

Write about only one thing, in ever-deepening detail, so you become an acknowledged expert in your field. Educate your readers. After your 300th article, business may be pretty good, but you still won't be making a livable wage. When writing an article, always keep your reader in mind. Write an attention grabbing title that compels the viewer to read further.

Always offer a free report of some kind. Your long-term success depends upon the quality and quantity of your list. Use high-ranking keywords in your title as well as your article. By 2006, there were about 2 billion websites on the Internet. The Internet is the television of future.

Article marketing is here to stay (hopefully). Your title has to jump out and grab them. For each article you write, design a targeted resource box. Longer titles trend to attract more page views. Having a website will make doing business much easier.

When you begin to bring in some money, reinvest a portion of the proceeds back into your business. You can make much, much more money by selling your own products. Create your own product as soon as possible. Buy a Domain name, get an autoresponder, and upgrade your web hosting as soon as possible. The use of pre-sale pages will increase your sales dramatically.

'How to' articles are always very popular. More links are not necessarily better. Great articles have great titles that attract readers. Always use software to check your spelling and grammar. Design a separate resource box for each article you write.

If you are new to writing articles, I recommend that you create a file for random facts like I have compiled here. On those days when I'm suffering from writer's block, my file on article facts will always come to my rescue. Even if it's a silly article like this one with no common theme. Sorry about that.

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Internet Marketing - The Three Great Advantages of Article Marketing

Perhaps the most important aspect of Internet marketing is getting traffic to your website. But how do you do that, without spending a fortune? If you haven't even considered article marketing, you're making a big mistake. Writing articles and posting them to prominent directories gives you some great benefits. "I hate to write," you say? Hire someone at eLance.com to ghostwrite for you. It can be very inexpensive. There's no excuse powerful enough to wipe out the benefits of article marketing.

Here are three reasons why:

First, there's not a doubt that a well-written article will give you status as an expert. Don't think that you're too new at this to write something! If you're in the right niche, you should have a passion for what you're doing. You'll know something, which is more than most. So, write about what you love. Do it in a conversational tone, and tell them what thrills you about your Internet marketing niche. Just write about the aspects of it where your excitement lies.

Second, when you solve problems, people will want to see your website. So, for example, say you're in the crafts niche, but you are really passionate about knitting. So, you must be a knitter, right? OK. Prepare a special report that gives 5 to 10 tips about knitting that you can teach new knitters and put a link in your author's resource box (the byline information and a short bit of ad copy) that leads them to your squeeze page to get it. If they read your article and liked it, they'll come to your website and they'll opt in to your list to get those 5 to 10 tips, too.

Third, articles provide one-way links to your website. This allows some SEO (search engine optimization) advantage. Each link you get from another website is a one-way link, as long as you don't point back to the other site, as well. These links are seen as "natural" by the search engines, meaning that one webmaster just saw another webmaster's site and wanted to add a link. Search engine spiders like that. However, when you write articles, you get the advantage of each of them pointing back to your site. Very valuable links, indeed.

There's no argument... Article marketing is extremely powerful, and it's not just a traffic generation system. There are at least three great benefits that we discussed above. Think about writing an article or buying some from ghost writers. Then, get them into a good directory. You'll see the results in the traffic to your Internet marketing site and in optins and sales because the best aspect of writing and marketing with articles is that it gives you the credibility you need to succeed in the Internet marketing world.

Tellman Knudson, CEO of OvercomeEverything, Inc., is a master list builder and well-known for his first project, List Crusade. Tellman teaches you his system for explosive list building and offers a Free one-on-one consultation with an Internet marketing expert at http://listbuildingpower.net

Article Marketing - Click Throughs VS Target Traffic - Thin or Think Articles

It appears that a very large percentage of the article authors who write on the top online article submission sites are more interested in click-through traffic. This is why they write articles and why they post on article marketing sites, as that is its original purpose of such sites.

Indeed, someone writing better articles can perhaps gain the perception of expert and then get more targeted traffic. There of course is that issue of targeted traffic VS traffic. Still I find that debate interesting because if you have an article with 75,000 views and one with 300, then you will as a percentage get more sales on your website from the one with 75K article views, simple percentages and click through rates, sure the click-through rate maybe less than 1/2 or 1/3 but with that degree of difference - who cares.

You have the traffic and a percentage of those will become buyers you see? Thus if I write a "trite" article about the "10 Most Popular Hair Style for 2007" which I did and if it gets 75,000 article views which it did, I still come out ahead no matter how you slice it.

So, you can see the incentive of thinly written, trite content does pull on one's reality if their goal is solely to get traffic. My goals are not traffic anymore and I do not often write silly articles like that, as it was more of an experiment for me, the subject simply does not interest me, and I could care less "What Paris Hilton Eats for Breakfast in the LA Jail," but you can bet someone who writes that article today, will rock with traffic in the future. Think on this, I did and that title is now taken.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

3 Easy Steps To Online Business Success

Marketing experts would say to you that there is a limit on how you can advertise and SEO your website. When you are tapped into these marketing success steps, you will be generating riches on the internet. By doing this you will be making a residual income from home instead of working a job. These days, only 3% of the people online marketing will succeed.

These steps have been provided from the seniors marketers and have proven to be true. It has also worked for me and my page rank has been on the top 10. Are you willing to take a risk by investing some money on the internet to have your own home business that will generate income for you? By the way, you would not reach to the top within one day, you need time. You wouldn't earn a lot of money over night. It might take you 1 to 2 years of your time to succeed.

Do you think the steps I am going to tell you work or not? Yes it does. You just have to follow it and do it none stop. It does take a lot of time and energy. When your hard work is put in it, later on you will get a pretty good outcome. You will love what you have done and feel that you have succeeded.

The first thing you have to do is to get your own domain name with a web host. Sign up for a 3-5 year domain with hosting space. By doing this, you will get a pretty well discount. I have godaddy.com, this is where I host my website at. Godaddy is the cheapest hosting out of all the others. When you register, put your business name as your domain.

The second thing is to do is to optimize your key words for search engine optimization. By doing this, you will be pulled up to the search engine rank by the keyword that is used on your webpage. Keywords on your webpage is not good to have more than what you need. If you have more than what the search engine likes, it become a spam webpage for them. They will penalize you for doing that, you might as well be booted off their search engine. There are many web pages out there that will help you calculate the percentage of keywords you have. The percentage you need is 2.7 or lower. No need to go above into the 7% even though there are search engines out there won't penalize you for it. You want your website to be on the top search engines, not the lower ones. Even if the lower search engines bring you traffic, top 4 search engines bring you more. So keep out from being penalized.

The third thing is one way links. You should have one way links all the time because search engines are starting to penalize people for exchanging links. Meaning if you are on the top rank of the search engine and you have plenty of lower links on your site. Your rank may be pulled down from doing that. If you exchange links, be sure the link exchange partner and you have the same topic on your webpage.

Make some changes in life and have this information I am going to give you, visit: Business Opportunity - Home Business

Targeted Internet Marketing - Unlocking the 4 Secrets of an Impacting Internet Marketing

The realities that face every online businessman is the fact that the growing competition online is becoming massive and imminent. Therefore, in order to sustain the life and growth of their ebusinesses, a stronger and robust Internet marketing plans and strategies are very much indispensable and needed. Below are 4 of the unlocked secrets towards having a more impacting Internet marketing plan:

1. Create more articles and widely distribute these on every article directories. The mere presence of your article materials on the article directories is one good way on how you can make your business presence be felt by a large cluster of people. Moreso, you can make it more impacting if you can develop variety of article materials that can serve the need of diverse people.

2. Engage in e-mail marketing. This is another way to gain competitive edge over the others in terms of making your presence visible online. Thru e-mail marketing, you can easily give both your old and prospective clients the chance to know the updates that you have on your business by merely sending them e-mail messages.

3. Post your ads on a banner form. These banner forms are everywhere. Joining in the bandwagon will not hurt your marketing arms in any way. By simply putting your business name and allowing for links to direct every click to your own website is one good and powerful way to market your business.

4. Do web logging and explore the capabilities that it has to offer. Web logging is the current and most widely used form of people to express their opinions and insights. You can post your thoughts, insights, and even advertisements on your web log. This makes the Internet feature fully functional and very useful to both the private and the business people.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Make Your Business Skyrocket by Finding the Right Freelance Writer

When you are writing articles either for a print publication or for online distribution, you may want to write them yourself. This could be for a number of reasons but if you are a busy professional, chances are that you would be best of hiring an online copywriter or freelance writer. By hiring a professional, you can save money by focusing on what you do best while making sure that you articles are their best. Dont risk your reputation by publishing inferior content under your name. This article will have a few tips on how to find a great freelance writer that you can depend on.

The first step for finding a good freelance writer is to determine where you would like to have your articles published. If you are planning on publishing them in an industry or trade association journal, you may want to find a different freelance writer than if you were publishing them exclusively online. Remember that print publications usually only accept articles of between 800-1500 words or more so this can cost more and be much more complex. It is often more complex to write one 1500 word article that 5 300 word articles, so take this into account.

You should then think about cost to determine whom you should hire. Due to off shoring and outsourcing, there are a very large number of freelance writers in the Philippines and in India that can write your articles for online distribution. These people can be extremely proficient and work for very low rates, but still be well off. You should expect to pay between $5-10 for a 500-word article of decent quality for online distribution. For print publications, you should expect to pay between $100-200 for a 1500 word article. Also, due to online freelancing, there are a very large amount of freelance writers in America that will work for low wages because they can afford it online.

When you first contact the writer, ask for a few samples of their work and preferably where they have been published. You can also ask fro references and check these out as well. Make sure that the writer never plagiarizes as this can ruin your reputation almost instantly.

You can find freelance writers over online sites such as elance.com or craigslist.org and post in a few different sections. Try offering a low price and moving up to where you find a good deal with a writer that you can trust. You should also look to see if you can find a writer who specializes in writing for publications in your market or industry.

Finally, on a last note, beware of "private label article packages". These will claim to give you a large number of pre-written articles for you to put under your name but these are often junk articles that have been sold to hundreds of other people. It is very bad business sense to do this because you will be pegged as lazy and unintelligent at the best and a plagiarizer at the worst. More about these in later articles. Thanks!

Drake Dawson is a sales, marketing and advertising coach and trainer who has researched and lectured on sales techniques for 10 years. He is now focused on writing articles and publishing them online. You can visit his site at http://www.ultimatesalestips.blogspot.com