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Saturday, May 10, 2008

Article Marketing Service - Put the Niche Lock on Your Competition with Articles

Article marketing service is defined as a simple form of advertising used by many businesses that write short articles which relate to their industry and its functioning. Although this term may sound new, let me assure you it isnt. In fact, it is used by almost all professionals and is old as the mass print media itself.

You can find niche marketing articles, article marketing websites, article marketing net etc and many more , each having their own specific features . For e.g. Niche marketing articles bring down the focus of the huge population on very specific products or services that are being offered. Many businesses adapt to niche marketing services to explore the untapped potential of their products/services in the highly competitive markets. There are niche marketing service providers offering their services .

Well, if you may be thinking, How do I practice article marketing for my service? then here it is. First, you need to challenge yourself to organize and keep the content very simple and easy to understand. Next, it is important to remember that those visiting your article marketing content on the web have to get the maximum information needed. Finally, every article should have a bio box and a by line which helps the reader to get in contact with the authors business.

Thus, we can say that article marketing service can bring big fortunes to the authoring business and amass new clientele. So what are you waiting for? Pick up your pen, put on your thinking hat and start writing. Of course, if you would rather leave it to the pros

ArticlesInMyInbox is the world's premier original content marketing articles service provider and your unfair advantage in creating original articles,search engine optimized for top placement in Google, in order to secure the search engine daily visits to your website as being listed #1 in your niche for all of your niche's most searched keyterms and phrases. Also, your customers will be pre-screened before coming to your website because they have just read an article that targets them to what you provide and have decided to click on the link in your resource box to take the next step. To make your next step the next level for your business by putting the professional team of writers at ArticlesInMyInbox to work for you, just visit http://www.ArticlesInMyInbox.com

Article Marketing Bootcamp: Anatomy of an "Article Marketing" Article

Headline or Article Title: Great Headlines are Keyword-Dense and Compelling!

Picking up where your headline left off, start with an opening paragraph that introduces your topic and pulls the reader in. For best search engine optimization, your copy should be keyword rich and tightly focused. It should also be written in a punchy, concise manner to keep your reader interested.

Dont overwrite - in article marketing, less is usually more. Most publishers are looking for something in the 300-600 word range, although anywhere from 250 -1500 words is considered acceptable. For comparison, this article clocks in at just under 600 words (not counting my real resource box).

Use Subtitles To Break Up Text

The main body of your article should be broken up into crisp, short and focused paragraphs, each built around a single point, with lots of white space. Blocks of unbroken text are to readers what garlic is to vampires - one look and they're gone.

  • Use bullets points to add information without cluttering up the page.
  • You can also use numbered lists or indented segments if you like...
  • ...but whichever you chose, they break up text and create visual interest!

Keep in mind that odd numbers, especially three and seven, have the greatest psychological appeal. When using defined lists, subtitles or a series of examples (such as in this sentence), use odd numbered items to create cadence and build momentum.

Generating Content

Tip lists, how-to's, Top 10's - all of these make great articles! Another popular format is the Q&A - ask a question in the opening paragraph and then answer it in the body of the article.

Out of ideas? Recycle your content. Rewrite and repurpose your best blog and bulletin board posts, break up key points from an ebook chapter, flesh out informative emails you've sent to colleagues and so on.

And look for articles within articles. For example, each item from a Top Ten can be the topic for a short article all by itself. Put them all together with related headlines and you have an article series - and maybe the foundation of another ebook!

Are You Ready For The Big Finish?

Almost there! Close with a brief but strong paragraph or two that ties up any loose ends and restates your main point clearly and effectively - this is another good place to use your keywords. Then sit back and call it a day. Whew! Great job. Now let your article rest for a day or two, then go back and edit to trim the fat and catch any typos and submit to your choice of article marketing directories.

Resource/Bio Box - Don't forget your resource box! Include links to www.yoursite.com and tell interested readers how they can hire you to do stuff that relates to your article subject. And HEY! Look at this amazing discount just for your readers! This is where the magic happens, so make sure you pull out your most persuasive laser-marketing copy.

Summary: Now that you've finished the article, it's time to write a great summary or teaser. This copy doesn't actually appear in your article, but is used along with your headline on the main site to entice visitors to read it. A good teaser is short, sweet and whets the reader's appetite for more - get their attention, but don't give away the farm. You can use the first few sentences of the article itself, in a pinch, but it's best to create a separate blurb that really packs a punch. Once you've done that, you're finished!

Author Info:
Soni Pitts is a professional freelance writer and editor, with experience that ranges from short web articles to full-length ebooks and beyond.

"Need professional quality writing, but hate to write - or just don't have the time to do it all yourself? Don't let less-than-perfect writing skills or a tight schedule leave you at a loss for words. Query writer [at] sonipitts.com for a free consultation, samples and a quote."

Article Marketing: Danger Signs

Marketing your articles is a fantastic way to gain needed exposure on the internet. Article directories are being introduced at a breakneck pace, but they are not all equal. In fact, listing your articles on some sites can be nothing but a waste of your time and could cause you to lose your valuable reputation. How so? Read on for more information.

One of the nicest compliments I have been paid is when a manager of an article directory approaches me to submit articles to his or her new site. Generally, this happens when they have discovered that I list a large number of articles to a high quality site, such as Ezine Articles, and realize that I have the ability to produce articles in spades.

Truthfully, I am very selective about joining new sites and only do so after examining how the site is set up and whether it is received by members of the article marketing community. The following list contains some of the danger signs of article directories that do not quite measure up:

No contact information. I want the person who manages the article directory to be personality driven. A little self promotion goes a long way! Sure, if they dont have what they say they have, it will soon become apparent that they are blowing in the wind. If it isnt possible to uncover the personality behind the directory, chances are they really arent that involved with the day to day operations.

No blog, no forum. Talk to me! Literally speaking. A blog and/or a forum are necessary parts of a successful article directory site, in my opinion. I want to get the article directory owners input on article marketing, and I want to leave a comment when inspired. Those article directories that encourage active participation are certainly the high achieving sites. Their success means your successplain and simple!

Feed it to them. Yes, a news feed that includes the articles submitted to the site is a must. RSS is a terrific way to maximize article exposure. I give article directories that have this feature an edge over all others as it tells me that they are serious about article marketing.

Statistically speaking. What, no stats?! If you cannot measure how many people have viewed your articles, downloaded the same, emailed them to someone, or left a comment, I have no use for you. Article marketing = statistics. You cannot possibly measure the success of what you write without some sort of feedback. Stats provide it!

Page rank. I want the article directory to pull down a Google page rank of at least 5. Heck, if my own article site can pull down a PR6, then I would expect an article directory to do at least the same! I give new sites 2 or 3 months to get their page rank up before deciding whether to submit to them or not.

Things I look for that are pluses: press releases; preservation of back links; easy submission of articles; approval within 48 hours; circulation of my articles via Google; a contact form to get a hold of the directory manager; continual growth of the site; and introduction of relevant new features to attract authors, content seekers, and the like.

Any site that fails to measure up is, in my opinion, a bad neighborhood. You wouldnt want to live in a bad neighborhood, so why would you feature your high quality articles there as well? Your reputation is golden; submit only to those sites that can enhance your reputation not lessen it.

Copyright 2005 -- Matthew Keegan is The Article Writer who writes on a variety of topics including: advocacy, automobiles, aviation, business, Christian themes, family, news, product reviews, travel, writing, and more. Samples from his portfolio are available right online.

Article Marketing - Should You Use Article Submission Software?

I see Article Software advertised that will send your article to hundreds of article directories. How effective is this? What about duplicate content?

I have tried two or three different pieces of Article Software. It works--I can send out fifty articles in an hour. The funny thing is that when I send those articles out using Article Software, I find that I don't get as many links from them as if I personally submit them, or I pay somebody to personally submit them. I don't know why. I'm a big results person.

If somethings not working--a lot of times I won't even ask why. I'll just move on to the next thing. Now, that's not always the wisest thing to do. But, right now, given my business structure, I really apply that eighty-twenty principle. Eighty-percent of my results come from twenty percent of the work that I do. And right now, rather than focusing on the eighty percent that doesn't produce results, I just multiply the twenty percent.

Right now what's working for me is personally submitting them by hand. I'm sure it's boring. I'm sure it takes time. But that's how I do it. Am I telling you that all of the article-software out there is no good?

No. I don't understand why it happens. Perhaps, some of the better article directories can recognize whether it's coming in from some machine? I'm not technical so I don't know. Maybe they just don't put as much priority on the articles? I don't know. All that I know is that it hasn't worked for me. Nothing against the software itself. It just doesn't work for me.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.

Barriers To Success With Article Marketing - Unlock The Secrets To Overcome Writer's Block

Article marketing is a really good way to market your internet business primarily because it is free. This means that whatever profit you make will be a hundred percent complete profit.

If you look at most of the other methods of advertising you need to pay for your adverts. Consequently at the end of the day after paying your advertising expenses your business may not be that profitable.

However, the biggest challenge faced with article marketing is that you need to get a significant amount of articles out there to succeed online. If you only writing one a day this is not nearly enough to succeed with this method.

Once you start doing 5 to ten articles every day. the biggest challenge you will experience is writer's block. There will be days when you just don't feel like writing and this can become a major problem for your business.

I would like to address one of the best ways that you can overcome this process that may seriously undermine the success of your business.

Make sure that you track and organize all your ideas electronically. Often you may be busy with one idea and you will get a bright spark. Later on you may not remember that. When you are busy writing more articles you may run out of ideas and you will have a ready database of material that you can use.

Some times you will really not feel like writing. Go to gym or do some other activity that will take your mind off it. When you come back you will feel refreshed and ready to start again. If you are in a quiet area put the television on. If you are in a noisy area for example the stereo may be on then turn it off. This alternative state will help to get your creative juices flowing again.

One final point is that when you first start writing it will be difficult. The more practise that you get the easier it will become and this method will build a stable foundation for your business as it is the most reliable traffic generation method.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.