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Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Make Money with Articles by Using Free Articles Directories

Amongst the many ways of making money with articles, the use of free articles directories is one of the best. Free article directories are websites that house free articles and a simple Google search for "free article directories" revealed 210,000 entries.

Articles are usually placed on these sites by whoever owns the copyright to them as a way of making money with articles with a proven promotion method. Each article has the owners resource box placed under it so that those who eventually read the article will know who wrote it (or at least who owns it).

The article resource box contains your name and a brief bio plus at least one link back to your site or affiliate link. Some of the free article directories will allow you up to three links, which is even better. Thus readers of your article will be able to get in contact with or visit your website for further information.

Articles directories are a great place to put your articles so that they will make you money. By using this method, people who are interested in your product or service will see your article, view you as an expert in the subject, and will visit your website. Even if you cannot write or do not have any knowledge on the subject on which you are promoting (for example if you run an affiliate website), you can always hire a writer to do the work for you.

On the downside, getting quality articles written by a ghostwriter will be expensive to start with, but they will pay for themselves in no time, either through affiliate sales or sales of your own services. After that everything is then pure profit.

An Example:

If you want to think about this as an example; imagine that you are a career coach working from home and you could use some more clients. You write an article on a coaching related topic and submit it to various article directories. People who are looking for information related to the the subject you wrote about will read your article, see that you have the knowledge and skill that is needed to do a job for them, and visit your website or contact you via e-mail. Your article has just gained you a new client who may use your services regularly, but will definitely give you a nice profit at least once.

Furthermore, since you have posted it on a free article directory, others who have affiliate websites related to coaching will almost certainly use your article for their website. Since they must attach your resource box to it, this will bring you even more exposure for every website that re-posts your article and you will benefit from the traffic that they get to their website.

There are numerous article directories out there for you to utilize. Your best bet is to put a copy of each of your articles on every one for maximum exposure. It will eventually help to bring more traffic and customers to your website, which will lead to new orders and more profit. This is one of the simplest ways to make money with articles by using free articles directories.

Peter Fisher is an expert author and webmaster, writing and publishing articles to help people with their careers and to benefit from the power of the internet. Find more information you can use on making money with articles at Article Directories or for career information click Writing as a Career

Profitable Article Marketing - 5 Novel Tips to a Supercharged Article Marketing

In the online market, the means and ways on how you can promote the existence of your product identity comes in a hundred fold. Article marketing is one of these and is fast becoming the choice to many of the marketers and businessmen. When done and made properly, there is an assured attainment of the objectives that you have for your company. Below are five novel and fresh tips on how you can do article marketing the right way:

1. Create a well-formatted and well-developed article material. This means that you have to come up with clear, accurate, and precise way of writing your article. This is so because the article in itself is the central and core element of the whole article marketing process. You create an article because this is what drives the success of the marketing tool.

2. Utilize the presence of the article directories. These directories are your perfect avenue to allow for your own articles to get the right amount of popularity and exposure. Best of these article directories is that it is a service that does not charge - it is free!

3. Make use of the resource box as your fundamental way to market. The presence of this resource box is to allow for the article contributor to have the chance to promote and advertise. So, better take full advantage of this resource box.

4. You can use your blogs to post your articles. Web logging feature is not only meant for people who would like to log down their sentiments and opinions. Web logging is now given a new look and perspective - it can now be used as a medium to advertise and promote.

5. Use your own site as the perfect place to expose your articles. Your articles published on your own website can be used as the avenue to attract and entice people for your site to generate traffic and contribute in the ranking of your site.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Using Viral Marketing to Grow Your Internet Business

Albert Einstein once called compound interest the "8th wonder of the world". He was also quoted as saying that "the most powerful force in the universe is compound interest". Obviously, Einstein had a great deal of respect for the power of compounding. Internet Marketing has its own power similar to that of compounding that is commonly referred to as Viral Marketing. Both use the power of time and leverage to create fantastic returns on capital. There are numerous ways to make use of Viral Marketing, and this article looks at how it can greatly benefit you in your marketing efforts.

When I first started marketing on the Internet, I made wide use of Hit or Traffic Exchanges. These type of sites are basically the I'll scratch your back, and you scratch mine sort of sites. While they had limited effectiveness for me as far as making sales, what they were very good at was allowing me to sign up others into various traffic building and downline clubs. This in turn produced lots of residual traffic which grew exponentially from the efforts of others. Although I seldom use Traffic Exchanges any longer, I still receive a fair amount of traffic from those efforts years ago.

While you could probably still use these types of programs to build your traffic and business, a more effective way to use Viral Marketing is the distribution of free information in the form of reports and ebooks that you create. People love information; especially if it has to do with 'making money' . Your task is simply to provide quality information that is in demand, and allow people to download it for free. And you won't have to look hard for this information because there are literally endless sources of good information to be found on the Internet. For instance, if you do a google search for 'Free Ebooks', you'll get hundreds of thousands of links. While most will be in categories that aren't appropriate for what you're looking for, it will give you an idea of the type of information that's out there.

Once you have gathered the necessary information for your ebook, you then need to create your ebook or report. This is where many people stop reading, believing that it's too difficult a process to create your own ebooks. The truth is, with the publishing software available today, creating your own ebooks is mostly a matter of filling in the blanks. There are numerous sites that can make creating your own ebook a snap, a couple being....Ebookcreator.com and Ebookcompiler.com There are even a few good affiliate sites that will do all of this for you.

There are several reasons why it's much more profitable to create your own ebooks, one of them being that you can embed your own links into the report allowing you to advertise numerous sites and offers. The key ingredient that really kicks this process into overload is that you allow your subscribers to also distribute your FREE ebook to others. If done properly, you'll eventually have thousands of people distributing your ebook with your very own links in it. Are you starting to see the power in using this form of Viral Marketing?

Viral Marketing is a powerful concept that you should definitely make a part of your marketing efforts. With the ability of the Internet to quickly spread information to all parts of the world, why not spread a little of your own?

William J. Thomas is actively engaged in E-Commerce and Internet Marketing. He also contributes articles on life, business and other topics. His current website is..Learn How to Generate Thousands of Dollars Monthly With..Secret Affiliate Marketing System

Best Article Marketing - 7 Most Tremendous Tips to the Best Article Marketing

We all know and agree that article marketing is such a great piece of a marketing instrument. Being great and powerful as it is, all we need to do is to make sure that all its potentials are properly explored and used. Below are 7 tremendous tips on how to do the best article marketing activity:

1. Make your articles short and compacted. A 300-words article is usually the standard article size. This makes it easy for potential readers to grasp and understand what you are trying to convey. A novelette sized article is not usually being favored as online users today do not have much time to spend reading lengthy copies.

2. Strictly follow the protocols used by publishing sites. Every publishing site has its own protocol and standards. It is suggested that you carefully follow these rules and guidelines to make sure that your articles are more likely to be favored against the others.

3. Provide a meaty article. Make it a point that you come up with an article that is full of relevant information. It makes sense because after all, every person who goes to the net and searches for something is after reliable and useful information.

4. Maximize the use of the Internet search for more article directory sites where you can have your articles published. Do not settle to having your site displayed in just one publishing site. Distribute it well.

5. Make a compilation of the best articles that you have and have it placed on an e-book. This is another form of an effective marketing using your articles and you can even use your ebook as giveaway for potential clients who would like to be a member of your email marketing list.

6. You can "syndicate" your articles via the Really Simple Syndication or RSS feeds. By doing so, you can provide your subscribers with information even if they don't have the time to visit your website everyday.

7. As an additional exposure, you can have your articles posted and published on your own website. This gives your articles the added popularity that they need.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Money Article Marketing

Articles get really high page rankings with search engines. By just spending no more than a month writing articles, you can use them to create residual income. That means that the articles that you wrote, that only took 10 minutes to make, will be making you income even though you haven't even been on the computer. So how can you make some money from articles? Here are some easy ways that you can make money using article marketing.

  • Using the bum marketing method is the most used income generator for article marketers. This is the money making tactic of signing up with a free affiliate program and writing articles in order to get people to your affiliate website. This is the most effective way to make some cash online without spending any amounts of money!
  • When you have enough articles written, you can put all of your greatest articles together, and make an ebook. Ebooks sell well in the online market, especially if they have reseller rights. You can make an ebook with your articles and sell them on ebay, amazon, or even your own shopping cart. Mind you, in order to do this, you will need your own website domain.
  • Selling off your own articles is a viable way to make some money through your article marketing efforts. If you can create an article that gets a high amount of web traffic, you can sell it off to someone and they can input their link in your resource box instead of your own.
Keep in mind these are just some simple ways to make money online with article marketing. I hope you the best of success!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

Article Marketing - What Is the Market Telling You?

Most article writers are willing to share their knowledge in return for two things:

  1. so that people click through to their website and possibly make a purchase of something or
  2. so that ezine owners copy the article to their site and the article allows click throughs

So, obviously, the important thing to just about every article writer is the click through to their website. To facilitate that writers need to:

  • write about subjects that people want to read about - that's first and foremost
  • write an intriguing headline that will attract attention
  • construct an interesting teaser or summary to draw readers into the body of the article
  • provide relevant keywords which will allow the article to be found in a search
  • write an article that is interesting enough for the reader to want to know more
  • construct a "Resource Box" for the reader to click on that promises even better information

Now, readers are fickle. They don't spend much time reading anything if it doesn't hook them straight away. The vast majority will skip over a poor headline or a teaser that doesn't promise them a heck of a lot and they will click away from your article faster than turning off a light switch if you do not provide the VERY BEST of all the points listed above. And even if you do provide all of those things then the click-through rate (CTR) is usually very low. That is why so many people write hundreds and even thousands of articles. They know that with such low CTR's they need a vast number of articles to create a trickle of traffic. And so they pump out article after article - many of which are dubious in nature and contain nothing in the way of any value for the reader. Readers therefore become impatient of wading through dozens of useless articles that give them NOTHING.

What can you do?

The market - impatient and skeptical readers - is looking for information. If you fail to provide it then your return for your effort as an article writer will be zero. You need to give in order to get. But so few give their readers anything. Many writers expect to write completely banal and useless articles that contain nothing of value then receive click-throughs. If your click through rate is extremely low then the market is telling you that it does NOT like your work. Get better at what you do. Provide better information. Write about more interesting subjects.

How do you do that?

Actually, it's quite easy. If you have written 10 or 20 or 30 or more articles compare them. Which ones got the best CTR's and which ones were flops? Write more articles like the ones that got the best CTR. Don't write flops. All you are doing is clogging up the internet with useless information that nobody wants to read anyway. You are wasting everybody's time, including your own.

Yeah, I know that some people throw a mish-mash of keywords together to try to take advantage of "Adsense" advertising. I call this NONsense advertising. People just want to click away to get out of the rubbish that they are in. Don't be a provider of rubbish because your name will then be associated with it. We all know the names of writers who provide extraordinary amounts of junk articles for others to wade through.

Compare your statistics.

Let me give you an example from my own personal stats. I have an article that has had 1304 views for ZERO clicks and I have another one which has had 2667 views for 400 clicks - a 15% CTR! Which one do you think I am going to use as a model for future articles on that topic? It's a no-brainer. Similarly, you can make comparisons in your own statistics to see what works and what doesn't.

If you give your market (the readers) what they want then you will see a dramatic rise in your CTRs. Keep pumping out junk and you will get what you deserve. The market is telling you what it wants. Provide it.

Unfortunately, I don't have an Article Marketing website. But I do have a wealth creation website. So, if you think that I have presented you with valuable information in this article and you want to know about how to make a lot more money and increase your personal wealth then, click Here.

Article Marketing Secrets - How To Get Rid Of The Writers Block Forever!

Writers block is a really big problem and I am going to give you some tips to be sure that you always have something to write. When you write articles for a living, you can't afford to stay one hour or more in front of your computer without actually typing your money making words.

Let's see what are the exact steps you can follow to get rid of this problem...

Get out of the grey zone.

If when you come in front of your laptop and don't know what to write, it may be an alert. I mean that your mind could be in the "grey zone".

Get out of the grey zone as soon as you can. Many writers don't realize that their mind need to have some rest, like their body.

Can you imagine running for 4 hours non stop? Nobody will do this, but writers are doing it. They can sit down and write as much as twenty articles in less than 24 hours.

Some of them are doing this several weeks in a raw.

This is bad for your mind.

Another problem is that writers think that if they have some rest or sleep an hour or two, they will get themselves out of the "grey zone". This is not true.

You don't need to relax your mind only to be able to write quality articles. You also need to take care of your body. If you don't practice any physical activity, your mind will suffer. Please understand that your mind and your body are one.

You absolutely need to do something. For example, you could run twenty minutes every morning or do some push ups. I don't care, but do something.

If you follow my tip above, writers block will become a remembrance of the past.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/