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Monday, May 12, 2008

Article Marketing Makes Sense In Today's Online Marketing Business

Whether one runs a home-based business such as EDC which is totally online, or operates a brick-and-mortar type business with a supplemental website, one needs to implement article marketing. Because if you are not marketing any one of your businesses with articles, it simply means you are missing a big chunk of the marketing pie.

The very fact that article marketing is free of cost makes it so very important and cannot be ignored. Every business owner knows that advertising does not come cheap. Every newspaper or magazine classified you place costs you dearly. Needless to say the cost of ad campaigns run on search engines. So by just spending some extra time in writing and submitting articles each month, a business entrepreneur is going to save quite a bit of money. Even better, article marketing does not cost you even a cent. But you need to invest good time for writing down articles.

Additionally, writing articles helps you to brand the business you do. Did you ever wonder how some businesses become popular in a very short amount of time? Because they are giving away something of value for free to their potential customers. Your articles will brand your business and make it a well-known name.

Next, article writing and article marketing makes you one expert in the domain. If you write articles about the subjects you know well, you will be quickly known as an expert in your field. And if you have a business of software you may write articles on each of the software developed and make your products as well as articles popular. Two in one shot right?

It also helps in teaching you one important aspect; how you can relate to people. No one on earth can write tons of articles without knowing how to communicate effectively. Which means the more you are writing, the better communicator you are becoming and also you will learn more to get your message across in a more friendly and informal tone. This might help in a big way in your day-to-day business as well.

It also helps you to create back links to your website, and these are the things you will really want, because it is established that back links helps to bolster your ranking with the search engines, and you are thus giving wider exposure for your website without spending anything for it.

End of it you should remember that article marketing is not one answer to total advertising of your business; it should be taken as one strategy of advertising. Also, it calls for persistence as well as patience. One should plan to spend a certain number of hours each week writing and submitting articles to promote the respective businesses. Results may be slow but are going to flow (if not in week at least in a few months' time) and you are going to appreciate that hard work does pay off.

Ask Shay Patil, a EDC top earner and expert about more of the easy-to-apply and not-so-costly advertising tactics. He has been EDC Diamond successful mentor and this EDC top earner offers tips and suggestions to his members.

He also works along with them to advertise about the EDC business offering full training and support package exclusively to help his diamond team members free of cost.

Article Marketing Makes Sense In Today's Online Marketing Business

Whether one runs a home-based business such as EDC which is totally online, or operates a brick-and-mortar type business with a supplemental website, one needs to implement article marketing. Because if you are not marketing any one of your businesses with articles, it simply means you are missing a big chunk of the marketing pie.

The very fact that article marketing is free of cost makes it so very important and cannot be ignored. Every business owner knows that advertising does not come cheap. Every newspaper or magazine classified you place costs you dearly. Needless to say the cost of ad campaigns run on search engines. So by just spending some extra time in writing and submitting articles each month, a business entrepreneur is going to save quite a bit of money. Even better, article marketing does not cost you even a cent. But you need to invest good time for writing down articles.

Additionally, writing articles helps you to brand the business you do. Did you ever wonder how some businesses become popular in a very short amount of time? Because they are giving away something of value for free to their potential customers. Your articles will brand your business and make it a well-known name.

Next, article writing and article marketing makes you one expert in the domain. If you write articles about the subjects you know well, you will be quickly known as an expert in your field. And if you have a business of software you may write articles on each of the software developed and make your products as well as articles popular. Two in one shot right?

It also helps in teaching you one important aspect; how you can relate to people. No one on earth can write tons of articles without knowing how to communicate effectively. Which means the more you are writing, the better communicator you are becoming and also you will learn more to get your message across in a more friendly and informal tone. This might help in a big way in your day-to-day business as well.

It also helps you to create back links to your website, and these are the things you will really want, because it is established that back links helps to bolster your ranking with the search engines, and you are thus giving wider exposure for your website without spending anything for it.

End of it you should remember that article marketing is not one answer to total advertising of your business; it should be taken as one strategy of advertising. Also, it calls for persistence as well as patience. One should plan to spend a certain number of hours each week writing and submitting articles to promote the respective businesses. Results may be slow but are going to flow (if not in week at least in a few months' time) and you are going to appreciate that hard work does pay off.

Ask Shay Patil, a EDC top earner and expert about more of the easy-to-apply and not-so-costly advertising tactics. He has been EDC Diamond successful mentor and this EDC top earner offers tips and suggestions to his members.

He also works along with them to advertise about the EDC business offering full training and support package exclusively to help his diamond team members free of cost.

Article Marketing - Do You Want Traffic or Visitors Coming to Your Web Site?

All internet marketers want to have people coming to their web sites. On the internet this has come to be known as traffic. I'm not sure I really like that word too much though.

According to dictionary dot com, traffic is defined as: "the movement of vehicles, ships, persons, etc., in an area, along a street, through an air lane, over a water route, etc." We usually think of it as something you want to avoid.

Again, according to dictionary dot com, visitor is defined as: "person who visits, as for reasons of friendship, business, duty, travel, or the like."

Now here is my question - which one do you want coming to your web site or blog?

Now before you say that this is just semantics, consider which one you are holding in your thoughts as you write an article or an email. Traffic sounds like some anonymous group of people. Visitors sound like people, even individual people.

I've come to favor the term visitors because this allows me to hold real actual people in my mind as I write articles, emails and create products. I believe this makes a difference in the "know, like and trust" factor. When you are writing to traffic I think the potential know, like and trust factor is low. When you are writing to visitors I think the potential know, like and trust factor is high.

The really great thing is that article marketing is a powerful way to bring visitors to your web sites and blogs.

And now I would like to offer you access to a free CD on how to drive an endless stream of visitors to your web sites and blogs. You can claim your access by going to http://www.VisitorExplosionSystem.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Article Marketing - Do You Want Traffic or Visitors Coming to Your Web Site?

All internet marketers want to have people coming to their web sites. On the internet this has come to be known as traffic. I'm not sure I really like that word too much though.

According to dictionary dot com, traffic is defined as: "the movement of vehicles, ships, persons, etc., in an area, along a street, through an air lane, over a water route, etc." We usually think of it as something you want to avoid.

Again, according to dictionary dot com, visitor is defined as: "person who visits, as for reasons of friendship, business, duty, travel, or the like."

Now here is my question - which one do you want coming to your web site or blog?

Now before you say that this is just semantics, consider which one you are holding in your thoughts as you write an article or an email. Traffic sounds like some anonymous group of people. Visitors sound like people, even individual people.

I've come to favor the term visitors because this allows me to hold real actual people in my mind as I write articles, emails and create products. I believe this makes a difference in the "know, like and trust" factor. When you are writing to traffic I think the potential know, like and trust factor is low. When you are writing to visitors I think the potential know, like and trust factor is high.

The really great thing is that article marketing is a powerful way to bring visitors to your web sites and blogs.

And now I would like to offer you access to a free CD on how to drive an endless stream of visitors to your web sites and blogs. You can claim your access by going to http://www.VisitorExplosionSystem.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Article Marketing - Do You Want Traffic or Visitors Coming to Your Web Site?

All internet marketers want to have people coming to their web sites. On the internet this has come to be known as traffic. I'm not sure I really like that word too much though.

According to dictionary dot com, traffic is defined as: "the movement of vehicles, ships, persons, etc., in an area, along a street, through an air lane, over a water route, etc." We usually think of it as something you want to avoid.

Again, according to dictionary dot com, visitor is defined as: "person who visits, as for reasons of friendship, business, duty, travel, or the like."

Now here is my question - which one do you want coming to your web site or blog?

Now before you say that this is just semantics, consider which one you are holding in your thoughts as you write an article or an email. Traffic sounds like some anonymous group of people. Visitors sound like people, even individual people.

I've come to favor the term visitors because this allows me to hold real actual people in my mind as I write articles, emails and create products. I believe this makes a difference in the "know, like and trust" factor. When you are writing to traffic I think the potential know, like and trust factor is low. When you are writing to visitors I think the potential know, like and trust factor is high.

The really great thing is that article marketing is a powerful way to bring visitors to your web sites and blogs.

And now I would like to offer you access to a free CD on how to drive an endless stream of visitors to your web sites and blogs. You can claim your access by going to http://www.VisitorExplosionSystem.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Lucrative Article Marketing - Uncover 3 Latest Methods to Increase Your Article Marketing

If you are looking for a perfect marketing tool that can help you create and strengthen your business relationship with you potential clients, drive more interested people to your website, improve your search engine ranking, and boost your online revenue, article marketing is for you. This is currently the most used marketing tool that is preferred by millions of webmasters from around the globe because it doesn't only delivers but it is also cost-effective.

1. Write from the readers' perspective. Write your articles while keeping your potential clients in mind. What information do they need to see on your content? What is their preferred writing style? How long should your articles run before you bore your readers? Questions like these can help you better serve your audience by making your content more targeted to their needs and preferences.

2. You need to be determined. When you decide to sink your teeth into this marketing tool, you have to understand that success does not come overnight. You have to consistently write and publish articles on a regular basis to continuously create traffic for your website. Do not lose hope and just give up even if you don't see favorable results within the first couple of weeks. Experts agree that you need at least 150-300 articles before you can drive substantial amount of traffic to your website.

3. Empathize. As an internet market, you need to win your potential clients' trust so they will like you and consider doing business with you. Show concern and communicate your desire to help on your content so your readers will feel that you are after their welfare and not just their money.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Submission Is Not As Easy As They Would Like You To Believe

If anyone tells you that submitting articles over 500 words to numerous Article Directories/Ezines will instantly bring a flood of traffic to your website is spinning the truth.

Submitting Articles to multiple Ezines/Article directories sounds like it would be one of the easiest ways to draw traffic to your website (you write an article, submit the article and sit back while traffic rolls inNOT). The truth is that, article submission to directories is time consuming and like anything else can yield frustrating results if not done properly.

What could be so complex about writing an article and submitting it online?

If you start by writing an article willy-nilly, off the cuff, off the top of your head youve only done a fraction of the job and it still may be incorrect.

First, determine the overall use of the article. If it is to generate traffic, what do you want that traffic to do when it reaches your website? Then, tailor the willy-nilly articles youve written to attract the attention of your target. Or write a new articles.

Submit your articles to 400-500 article directories. It is a good practice to get people interested in what you're writing about, granted what youre writing about is directly relevant to your online business. Keyword and keyword phrase research will give you an idea of what to include in your articles.

Some article sites allow you to submit a link in your article that links back to the page in your website where the article is posted. Most article directories only allow you to link back to your home page in the resource box and allow no article links. Linking to your website is beneficial because of the number of quality backlinks it will generate.

Whatever the case you need to have your webpages fine tuned so that every visitor to your site takes full advantage of what you have to offer.

Lets talk about your website

It is sometimes best to start with a fresh website with no articles rather than one with tons of broad articles with no focus. But if you do have tons of articles you may only have to reword them so they motivate visitors to your service.

What is your Service?

If you have a solid product that people have a need for youre ahead of the game. if you are simply starting with pay per click ads your articles can motivate your visitors (targeted traffic) to do exactly what you want them to do. Or, if you do not have a product then you are still in good shape because there are thousands of affiliate products available. You can turn your Article marketing campaign into an email opt-in list campaign. Any traffic to your website should be offered free how-to information in exchange for their email address. This will allow you to build a relationship with your visitors.

Lets stay focused on Article Submission. How articles do you submit and when?

Ask fifteen Internet Marketers how many articles to submit in one week to article directories and you will get 20 different answers. Fact of the matter is that there is no penalty for mass submitting articles to directories. If an article site has a question about your submission frequency they will email you.

On the other hand, you only want to add n two articles per week to your website just to stay clear of any "auto generated website" alarms that may go off with search engines.

Auto generated websites tend to have a good but short lived run in search engine indexes before getting de-indexed. Its better to grow your website naturally. If youre a seasoned or slightly seasoned Internet Marketer youre probably wondering why you havent read anything in this article about Article Submission software.

Who uses Article Submission Software?

Everyone that doesnt have time or cant afford to hire a professional company to submit 4-5 articles a week to 400 plus different article directories should consider using article submission software. Article Post Robot is one such submission software that allows you to not only submit one article to over 500 directories it also has a feature allowing you to submit to over 50 mailing lists.


> Auto submit articles to over 500 directories with one click
> Manually submit articles one at a time if you choose
> Mail List submission option
> Regular updates of additional directories
> Auto rotation of word, paragraph text, and summary
> Backup and restore feature
> Project load and save feature
> The developer responds promptly to emails
> There are hundreds of directories in the list that do not need memberships
> The auto submitter can run in the background while you work on other projects on the same PC.


> It takes F O R E V E R to subscribe to the 300 plus directories that require a signup (this would be the same with any article submission software).
> You have to ad a pen name to the majority of the signup only directories before your article can be submitted by the A.P.R. submitter.
> You must have the highest quality anti-spyware and antivirus software installed and up-to-date on your computer (you should have this regardless).

Article Post Robot is the Article submission software I recommend for the novas to advanced Internet Marketer who values their time and money. You can draw a significant amount of traffic to your website with a targeted Article Marketing. strategy.

For the best Article Marketing strategies visit ServicesAreUs.com. See my sitemap for online home based business tips.