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Thursday, May 8, 2008

Article Marketing-Backlinks and Their Power

Article marketing can be one of the most powerful sources of overall traffic building that you could ever do online. When you combine the right methods of article marketing in the right mix of efforts, you can create incredible search engine rankings, which translates into traffic, and you can create enormous levels of direct traffic and loyalty and even name recognition.

Article marketing is so powerful that is can be used as the sole means of advertising your site and attracting visitors. A well thought out article marketing campaign can provide you with excellent search engine listings without any form of SEO being required.

This is not to suggest that SEO is not necessary, rather to suggest that article marketing is a tool that can help a well designed website in its quest for the Number One position on Google. In fact if you check out the Number one sites in your own niche you will probably find that it has quite a large number of links to it from other websites. This is the most likely reason why it has such a high listing.

By positioning yourself well by submitting multiple articles to multiple article directories, and including a backlink to your own web site, you can stimulate search engine ranking activity that mimics that of very large a popular sites.

One of the nice things about article marketing is that, since the idea with well-written articles is that the process really cannot be automated well, we are stuck with the prospect of writing our own articles, or paying others to do it for us.

This may seem like a sword to us, but it is really a blessing because it is hard to do, and to do well, most marketers stay away from it. The nice thing about that is that is that we have the opportunity to excel in an area that really cannot be automated and therefore it can probably not become saturated.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Do you want to learn how to build a massive list fast? Click here: Email List Building

Article Writing and Article Marketing - How to Write a Prospect-Pulling Resource Box

Article marketing is one of the best ways to market your business if you do it right. In my experience, you make or break your article marketing efforts in the Resource Box.

Most writers are guilty of poor article marketing because they use the resource box as sort of a virtual "ego wall" in their office.

"John/Jill Jones earned the Ph.D at Important University and is the author of several Important Books."

Well, who cares? This is a slightly exaggerated example of a resource box that does not pass the who cares test.

Article Marketing with Your Resource Box - How to Pass the "Who Cares" Test

There are three crucial steps to having a great resource box and passing the who cares test. All three of these steps involve the links back to your website used in your resource box.

Link 1 - Your first line should be a real url, or what is called an absolute url, as in http://www.reallystupendoussite.com. For instance, "Visit http://www.reallystupendoussite.com for more tips and tools for writing great articles" is a great opening for your resource box.

Link 2 - In link two and three you can use hyper-linked text. Drive prospects to your site with a line that reads like this: Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter

Link 3 - In link three you simply repeat what you did in link two and invite the reader to another important page in your website, which could be a product page.

I invite you to use these tips to increase the benefits of your article marketing.

And I'd also like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy & GreatArticleMarketingNetwork.com

Article Submission - Increase Traffic, Backlinks and Affiliate Sales

Article submission to ezines or article directories can boost traffic to your site; increase backlinks and boost affiliate sales with minimal effort at virtually no cost to you. A single published article can generate hundreds of backlinks to your site - all depending of course on the success of the article itself. The more quality articles you write and publish, the more traffic and backlinks you'll accumulate.

To get started with submitting articles to ezines and article directories, all you need to do is sign up for an account with an ezine or article directory and begin writing articles. Remember - every article you write and publish is yet another advertisement for your own website or Internet business. The key to your success is sheer volume.

If you're not good at writing articles, there are hundreds of services out there where you can hire someone to write your articles for you, or freelance writers and forums where you can advertise.

Once you've completed your article you can manually submit your article to each article directory or article submission ezine or you can use an article submission service. Article submission software, in this case will save you lots of time and effort. There are a lot of good ideas to keep in mind to make your article marketing more successful in generating traffic backlinks to your site.

Write focused articles on one subject. Keep your articles within the preferred 300-1000 word range. Make sure you read and follow the articles submission guidelines. Make sure to go over your articles with a fine-toothed comb to make sure they're perfect - and most importantly, resist using a passive voice.

Your articles should have a take charge and commanding tone. Avoid use of the words "I" and "We" and focus instead on a conversational directive way of speaking. People find comfort in being told what to do from a confident, non-biased voice.

Do you want to learn how I write explosive author bios to get tons of traffic?

Download it FREE here: "How I Write Explosive Author Bios For Maximum Results!"

Do you want to learn how to develop a successful Internet Business with more profits, less work and true freedom? Click Here: Craig S Andrews.com

Do you want to learn how I make a lot of money with articles every day? Click Here: Article Pro Software

Article Marketing; Quality over Quantity

I am certainly no writer. Actually to those whom know me I am more of a ranter than anything. I have been writing on and off for many years (started a book on a typewriter back in the 80s). Do I have a style? I have no bloody idea, you tell me. I sure hope I do or else theres pretty good chance you havent even made it this far. I have recently been working closely with an editor friend to refine my limited talents. Over the course of our chats I decided an article about Article Marketing while sounding redundant, would be worth writing.

Not another one of these? Yes, I know there are more than few article marketing pieces out there, I am taking a slightly different angle. We are going to look at what makes a successful article marketing campaign so you can get the most out of a competitive marketplace. Competitive? I thought it was about getting Back Links you say? Thats where it starts to go wrong. The number one most common use of Article Repositories, is usually to get Back Links NOT as the full powered Marketing tool that it can be. This is what I often find short-sighted.

Lets look at some of the benefits and usage for Article Marketing programs; Surf-in traffic; This is really the number one reason. Above and beyond all else a well written article and marketed article will bring you traffic in the short and long term. I get traffic to our sites that came from an article I had written and marketed over a year ago. If you write a well thought out article that has lasting value, it will live out on the internet for quite some time. Traffic is always my goal and this is a major value to Article Marketing.

Link Profile development; This while not a primary focus for me, is a great additional benefit. Search engines, to a certain extent, base rankings from the number of Back Links (or In-Bound Links) a web site has pointing to it. This gives Article Marketing its second value. Through use of proper Link Text and keyword/phrase usage, your Article Marketing campaign can have a positive effect on your rankings and search referrers. For full effectiveness be sure to learn about building your Link Profile ( methinks I should write a Building your Link Profile article FIRST and then link to it. Thoughts?)

Building brand; well written articles and building a body of work will also help build the Brand of your company or yourself as an authoritative figure on the subject matter. This is also invaluable to any enterprise or undertaking. The opposite is also true that poorly written, shoddy or lazy articles can harm your reputation. Do it right or dont do it at all.

Tracking the Articles extra sensory perception

An over-looked area that makes it a true Program is the tracking. Dont just write and article, publish it onto the Dub-Dub-Dub a leave her to float away. How cruel, cold and uncaring. Watch the progress of the article. See how many times it is downloaded and viewed on the publishing site. Search Google for the Article Title in quotation marks, ( eg; My Article Title) to see how many times it was syndicated by other sites. See if anyone has reviewd it or quoted it and send them a thank-you. Tracking will also allow you to see which articles do the best. Now look at the style you wrote it in, the topic and other common factors. Soon you can start to choose topics and styles that will get you the most coverage with each successive article. Fun stuff huh?

Quality over quantity

Certainly a catch phrase these days in SEO (links, content etc), but it does hold true. You see, throwing out a ton of simplistic, non-engaging articles will do little more than garner a few back links. A well written article does so much more and you can even expect MORE back links as the eventual distribution/syndication of the article should be wider due to the lack of quality competitors.

A quality article will also be better received and promoted by the managers of your distribution sources (article repositories, e-magazines, newsletter editors). My number one 'editor in chief' Mark, certainly laments the vast number of pure drivel that arrives on his virtual doorstep every day. If you can entertain the distribution mangers and editors, you have won half of the battle. To that end I would also consider getting professional help. You heard me seek help!. With my SEO Company I keep professional writers around. I let them so what they do best and then my SEO guys do what they do best, optimize the article. Sure it raises my over-all cost, but if you factor in the many benefits of crafting professional work, its always worth it.

The main point is to not look at article marketing as simply another Link Drop. It is far more than that. Make sure you leverage it for all its worth.

About the author; David Harry is an internet business development consultant and president of Reliable SEO providers of reliable SEO services.

What Is Article Marketing And How I Got Started With This Business Model - Part 2

I submitted forty articles to four directories and got enrolled in this wonderful coaching program. I didn't really know the exact reason why I submitted those articles, but I did it anyway.

After I got accepted, the coach told us to write articles and distribute to various directories (again). We had to find the websites ourselves (we were 70 at the beginning). I typed article directories and other keywords in Google to find those.

He told us that we needed to add a resource box at the end of the articles with an anchor link to his website because it was one of the best form of traffic on the web. After all, the web is just content and links.

Almost immediately after we submitted those articles (it became a weekly task after this), we were taught to create an opt-in box to capture our visitors emails and first name.

What is an opt-in box?

It is a form that you can get from your autoresponder software and add to your website to build your list of subscribers. You need to be aware that almost %90 of the visitors to your website are not going to buy from you. For this reason, you need to quickly qualify them to find out if they will do business with you in the future.

Think about it, if they don't trust you enough to give you their email and first name, they are not going to give you their credit card number... And to run your business, you need to be in profits. Once a surfer becomes a lead (he subscribed to your autoresponder message), you need to build a relationship with him. Now it will be easy for you because you already wrote a couple of quality articles.

All you need to do is to add those articles into your autoresponder series and your subscribers will receive them automatically.

Next, we will discover how to monetize these articles.

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Do, What, Who, Or Why Write, Submit, And To Who?

Repeatedly, I hear website owners should write articles. I also hear "build the list". Manually, I click on emails saying drive traffic to your site, get this free report". I advised to link things here, and back link there, send out newsletters, get a solid product, get google adsense, buy ads, and have affiliates, wow!

Blinking through the multitude of meaningful advice, I ask myself what is the one thing do I need to do, if only one thing, mindful of task, clean and simple, do I do? Alternatively, try it this way: In order to increase traffic or business to my site/product, what one thing do I do that works? Answer: Write. What do I write? Answer: Articles. Simple answers do not necessarily mean simple solutions, but in this case, writing articles and article distribution is a simple task, relatively easy to implement, with potential immeasurable rewards.

I am going to assume I just finished my first article, and know if my guts it is a good article. Now what? Keeping it dead-on simple, I know need to employ the mysterious tactic of article distribution. It really is not that mysterious after all, as I see distribution involves the use of websites known as article directories. There a large collection of articles is hosted, and categorized according to topic.

Naturally, the topic of my article will be most important in its proper handling within the directory. It also follows that my article, with an appropriate topic, related as directly as possible to my website and/or product I am selling. Now I am ready to consider, one last time, the content of my article. Since I have a product that I believe in, I will include in my article the special key features of my product. My website, with a ready-available link, will have the full details of my product.

Part of the mystery of article distribution is that More is Not Better. If a good article makes circulation, it is my natural inclination to think I should submit 150, in one week, and really round-up some traffic! A reasonable goal is five per month. In this manner, new, updated, fresh information is available to customers to read and absorb. Writing articles is a simple, relatively easy, conscientious, and reliable tactic to attract traffic to a business, especially if done on a consistent basis.

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