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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Productive Article Marketing - 5 Amazing Methods to Impact Your Article Marketing

A lot of people have successfully grown their ebusiness by just using article marketing. This powerful marketing tool allows you to offer online users what they are exactly looking for whenever they go online - information.

Here are the 5 amazing methods to impact your article marketing:

1. Solve a problem. Identify the issues that are affecting your target market and present solutions through your content. If you are writing for people who are combating unwanted weight gain, you can write about different exercises to tone their bodies, effective diet pills, and tried-and-tested diet programs.

2. Bank on your titles. The first step to succeed in article marketing is to get people to notice your articles so they will be opened and read. You can easily do this by using titles that are intriguing, striking, attention-grabbing, and direct to the point. It would also greatly help if you can communicate the readers' benefits on your headlines to further compel online users to check on your content.

3. Empathize. Let your readers know that you understand where they are coming from and that you have sound solutions to their problems. This can help you easily establish rapport and trust among your potential clients.

4. Make your articles search engine-friendly. Increase the chances of your articles being found online by sprinkling relevant keywords on your content and on your titles. Observe proper keyword density to avoid being tagged as keyword abuser.

5. Know your target market. To make your articles highly targeted and focused to the needs of your readers, you need to get to know the people to whom you are writing for before writing your content. Identify their gender, their hobbies, occupation, social status, educational background, etc. The more you know about your audience, the better you will become in creating content that they will find useful and relevant to their lives.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Website Marketing Strategies For Small Business Development

Small business owners are always searching for a way to develop their business into something greater. Its the natural entrepreneur spirit to want to develop our business and succeed, however, in order to do this, we must find low-budget methods in order to market our websites.

Why Low Budget Marketing Strategies?
First off, the obvious reason why low market budget strategies are preferred for small businesses is because they are more cost effective. There are some other reasons as well. Low budget marketing strategies forces your mind to be creative, so when you flex the creative muscle more and more, you know how to market even better. Therefore, when you start bringing in some income, you will have both money, and a creative marketing mind, and at that point the possibilities are endless.

Finding the Best Low Budget Website Marketing Strategies
It is recommended that you start looking around, and start looking at what the successful sites are doing. As you start researching the internet more and more, you will be able to decipher what works and what doesnt simply from looking at it. The best way to find the best low budget marketing strategies is to look at how much income your companys bringing in, and see how much money you can put into imitating the already successful companies.

How to develop your business with website marketing
Lets compare your business to a rocket ship. It starts out as just a thought, then it is slowly built and established. The scariest part can be when its time to launch, because this is when all the disasters happen. If you have ever noticed, when a rocket ship takes off, it starts off, it is very slow in the beginning, in fact, you can probably walk faster than the ship at a certain point. Thats how your business must start, it must be a slow launch, gathering foundation for a strong successful launch. When you finally gain the momentum and speed, there wont be any force that can stop your business!

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Kyle Everette is an expert of keyword research & Search Engine Optimization, and believes anybody can build a highly successful website with the correct tools & knowledge

Article Marketing - How To Write Articles In 10 Minutes

Amazingly enough, it is really easy to write successful articles in ten minutes. It really is. All you have to do is follow these simple to implement steps, and your article writing time will vastly decrease!

How to write a successful article in 10 minutes

  • Writing in bullet points will knock off that wasted time trying to connect your last paragraph to the next. With bullet points, you can write a sentence that has no connection to the last. This should knock off a ton of time in your article marketing.

  • Writing an article about something you know about is going to make it easier and faster to write a successful article. It really is. If you were to write an article on something that you actually know something about, it'll be easy to write without stopping to research a certain topic.

  • Don't think while your writing an article. This is the best way to write an article in less than ten minutes. If you just write your article, without thinking if your last sentence was good or not, you'll vastly decrease your article writing time. Just don't think. It's as simple as that!

  • Making a rough draft and a brainstorm before you actually write your article is bad. You're wasting time trying to write the perfect article. Just try to shoot for a C grade article. The more that you try to shoot for a C grade, the more it will actually be an A grade article. Just keep practicing and don't write rough drafts or brainstorms. Doing that will just increase your article writing time. In the time that you write a rough draft and a brain storm, you can already have more than five articles waiting to be submitted!

  • Time yourself everyday. Write everyday and put in a new time goal. Make it shorter every time, and try to get your articles in before the certain time limit. Don't stop until you get it. This will help your articles content and it will help decrees your article writing time.

Use these simple to implement strategies, and your article writing time will soon decrease to underneath ten minutes! I wrote this article in seven! So it's easy to do!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

Lucrative Article Marketing - Discover 5 Reliable Ways to Energize Your Article Marketing

If you don't have the budget to cover the advertising cost but would still like to popularize your website and connect to your potential clients, article marketing could be your best friend. It can help you promote your products and services without spending your precious dime.

Here are the 5 reliable ways to energize your article marketing:

1. Write and submit quality articles. Quality is one element of article marketing that can either make or break your marketing strategies. If you can consistently present content-rich, informative, well-written, and easy to understand articles to your readers, you will easily gain their trust and you can quickly compel them to click on your resource box.

2. Consider the rules set by publishers. To increase the chances of your article being posted online, strive to follow all the rules of each publishing site. Most of them do not allow hyperlinks on the article body, inappropriate content, and blatant advertisement. They do favor articles that are well-written, keyword-rich, and those which are highly targeted to the needs and demands of your potential readers.

3. Keep your articles short. People generally do not like reading lengthy articles and they prefer to get the information they need quickly. Help them out and make your articles short, direct to the point, and concise.

4. Empathize. If you want to quickly build rapport with your readers, make them feel that you understand where they are coming from. Understand what they are going through and offer sound solutions to help them out.

5. Use automatic submission software. Manually submitting your articles to hundreds of publishing sites can be time consuming. To maximize your writing time, invest on software that can help you automatically submit your articles in just few clicks.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

My Article Marketing Process, From Beginning to End IV

What probably happens--and I don't keep good track of it, I'm getting enough subscribers in, I focus on writing these new articles over focusing on every individual statistic. My conversion rate when somebody clicks through--if it's been an Article-Marketing article--is probably twenty-five percent, if I've used that Bio and I wrote an article on Article-Marketing. If I wrote an article on List-Building and used the same Bio, I'd probably only get a five-percent opt-in rate. On average, I'm at around ten-percent. If I write on traffic-building, and then I have an Article-Marketing link, I probably only averaging five-percent.

If I were to go in and write original Bio's for every single one, that opt-in rate would be higher. If you're only writing one or two articles per day, you really need to be writing original Bio's for each and every one. Until you find something that really works well for you, at least have that Bio--make it congruent with the article itself. In my case, writing fifteen or twenty articles in a day--frankly, a lot of times after writing that many articles I just don't have the creative juice to write fresh Bio's. Especially when I know that I've got a good one that works.

Number four, you're going to take these articles and you're going to submit them to the article-directories. To find a list, go to Google and type in: "Article-directories." You'll get tons of lists.

Those are really the four steps to article marketing. If I were writing this about web business using article marketing, then the fifth thing would be, build a list instead of sending people to a Squeeze-Page. The sixth thing would be, build a relationship with that list. The seventh thing would be to create your own products, and to sell those products that you create to your--sell those products to the people that are on your list. So those would be five, six and seven. List build, build relationships and then create your own products.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1400 articles in print and 10 published ebooks.

Top Ten Ways to Format and Leverage Your Article's Marketing Success - Part 2 - Updated

You want your business to be noticed by thousands daily. Online ezine publishers and webmasters are constantly looking for new, original content. They want and need your articles. Article marketing is a promotion marriage made in heaven.

Most writers like yourself want a roadmap on how to write the most articles in the least amount of time. Use these 10 way to leverage your articles to reach the millions Online who want them.

What Format Suits You?

6. Write an article about mistakes and problems business people have and their solutions.

This kind of article is a favorite of Online readers because they want to avoid costly mistakes. They want answers to their problems. Here's a few samples: "Five Book Back Cover Mistakes and How to Solve Them," "The Two Biggest Web Site Mistakes and Their Solutions," and "The Seven Mistakes Writers Make and What to do About Them."

Always give solutions in your article.

7. Take an excerpt from your fiction, poetry, or other book.

Not all people want to write articles. If you are a fiction writer, set up a dramatic incident from your story, then put "Excerpted from "Title of your Book." in your resource box. Or, take a page or two that shows your hero in action or in conflict. Conflicts include with others, with self, with nature, with technology or with fate. People love conflict, which leads to action.

Remember the who, what, where, when, why, and how of your story. Create any one of these into a short piece. Be sure to add an introduction to hook your audience.

One client wrote a memoir on growing up during the Great Depression. She wrote a short article on the New Deal by Roosevelt to attract people to her book, because history lovers would read it.

8. Write a list to help your audience succeed in meeting a challenge.

Think titles such as, "The Five Must Packs for the Tropics." "Seven Kinds of Massage--Which is Best For You?" Try odd numbers up to nine. Online readers will enjoy a list of the top ten...."

9. Rewrite your article to a different audience.

The best way to angle your article is to keep one original file and copy and paste it into a new file geared toward the new audience. Now you have copy already up, making it easier to add to and change some words than start from scratch. Your Online audience of small business people can be narrowed to service businesses, product businesses, professional coaches, authors, consultants, health professionals, then different ages. Think outside the box and win new fans from new audiences.These articles work well to pull all of your audiences to your site.

10. Write a mini sales letter article.

This kind of article illustrates why your audience should consider this or that to benefit him or her in life. What Procrastination Costs You." Your answers will be the benefits your reader will pay attention to and come running to your site for more..

Start your article with a hook. State a shocking statistic. Ask a question that reflects your audience's challenge that they need help on. Follow with more on the background of their need or situation. Then deliver several solutions. You now have an article that your audience will pay attention to and click to your free offers in your signature file.

You have ideas for your article format. Now choose an outstanding title and include the largest benefit to solving a challenge in the title. No matter who your article is aimed at, it is well on its way to being a top Online and offline promotion method for your business.

Internet Marketing Coach Judy Cullins helps non-techies get big web traffic, expand your business clients, and sell your products. Check out her AdvancedArticleMarketing 3-Book Special with free reports at http://www.advancedarticlemarketing.com - Judycullins@cox.net

Article Writers - Computer Generated Systems, Key Wording Bandit and Fake Poser (BS'ers)

Today in online article marketing we find that there are many things that writers will do to churn out lots of material. Some online article marketers will use computer-generated software to help them write their articles faster. This also helps them with the proper buzzwords which assist in keyword marketing on the search engines. Unfortunately a "key wording bandit" is doing a disservice to the Internet by putting debris across the subject matter or domain of worthless information.

By doing this some writers are clouding the Internet and yes it makes it more difficult for readers to find exactly what they're looking. Instead they are diverted to a web site where someone is trying to sell them something and make money rather than to a place where they can find the information they're looking for as a type in their search on the Internet.

But even worse than this scenario is an article writer who is a faker or a poser and creates content very rapidly which is nonfactual, misleading and completely inaccurate. I call these people BS'ers or posers and they do a severe amount of damage to the credibility of the Internet. Those who use the Internet expect to be able to find what they're looking for when they do a search.

When the search engines bring back nothing but junk we can immediately see the problem. Article writers and online article marketers should be more careful with the information they distributed to prevent themselves from being delisted in the major search engines. When a few people take it upon themselves to manipulate or game the search engines everyone loses.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Article Writers - Computer Generated Systems, Key Wording Bandit and Fake Poser (BS'ers)

Today in online article marketing we find that there are many things that writers will do to churn out lots of material. Some online article marketers will use computer-generated software to help them write their articles faster. This also helps them with the proper buzzwords which assist in keyword marketing on the search engines. Unfortunately a "key wording bandit" is doing a disservice to the Internet by putting debris across the subject matter or domain of worthless information.

By doing this some writers are clouding the Internet and yes it makes it more difficult for readers to find exactly what they're looking. Instead they are diverted to a web site where someone is trying to sell them something and make money rather than to a place where they can find the information they're looking for as a type in their search on the Internet.

But even worse than this scenario is an article writer who is a faker or a poser and creates content very rapidly which is nonfactual, misleading and completely inaccurate. I call these people BS'ers or posers and they do a severe amount of damage to the credibility of the Internet. Those who use the Internet expect to be able to find what they're looking for when they do a search.

When the search engines bring back nothing but junk we can immediately see the problem. Article writers and online article marketers should be more careful with the information they distributed to prevent themselves from being delisted in the major search engines. When a few people take it upon themselves to manipulate or game the search engines everyone loses.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Article Marketing Bio Box & Google Pay Per Click Ad - Learn From One & Apply To The Other

An article marketing bio box is the space at the end of your article where you promote your product or service, if done correctly your users should want to click on you're the link in this box and visit your website.

The idea here is to give your reader or user a good reason why they should visit your website.

A Google Pay Per Click ad is an ad that comes up when a user does a search for a keyword that you are bidding on. Your ad will show up with all the other ads that are bidding on that same keyword.

The idea is the same with this ad, your ad should be compelling enough so that the searcher ignores all the other ads and clicks on your ad.

Both the article bio box and the Google pay per click ad serve the same purpose; you can use a PPC ad to improve your article marketing bio box. I know your next question is how? What you want to do is type in a keyword into Google that your prospect will type in to find your product or service.

Look at the ads that come, which ones catches your eye first? Do you want to click on it and learn more? That's the answer to your question. If a particular ad attracts you out of the ones that show up, ask your self why that one?

Whats so special about that ad. Once you answer that question, you want to use the attractive elements of that ad to create and ad for your bio box in your article. Remember to test your new ad against the one you already have in your bio box.

I wasted 17months trying to drive profitable traffic to my website, but you should not do the same. Instead click here to get a copy of my "Quality Traffic Report". In it I will show you my results after testing article marketing vs. google pay per click, you can use the results to start driving profitable traffic to your website. You can also visit http://www.qualitytrafficbuilder.com/articlebuilding

Article Writers - Computer Generated Systems, Key Wording Bandit and Fake Poser (BS'ers)

Today in online article marketing we find that there are many things that writers will do to churn out lots of material. Some online article marketers will use computer-generated software to help them write their articles faster. This also helps them with the proper buzzwords which assist in keyword marketing on the search engines. Unfortunately a "key wording bandit" is doing a disservice to the Internet by putting debris across the subject matter or domain of worthless information.

By doing this some writers are clouding the Internet and yes it makes it more difficult for readers to find exactly what they're looking. Instead they are diverted to a web site where someone is trying to sell them something and make money rather than to a place where they can find the information they're looking for as a type in their search on the Internet.

But even worse than this scenario is an article writer who is a faker or a poser and creates content very rapidly which is nonfactual, misleading and completely inaccurate. I call these people BS'ers or posers and they do a severe amount of damage to the credibility of the Internet. Those who use the Internet expect to be able to find what they're looking for when they do a search.

When the search engines bring back nothing but junk we can immediately see the problem. Article writers and online article marketers should be more careful with the information they distributed to prevent themselves from being delisted in the major search engines. When a few people take it upon themselves to manipulate or game the search engines everyone loses.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 3 Nifty Secrets to Excel with Article Marketing

Today, the fastest way to drive online users to your website is to give them what they are looking for - information. When you are able to impart your knowledge and you were able to help people to resolve their pressing issues, you can be assured that they will check on your website to either make a purchase or subscribe to your newsletters.

Here are the 3 nifty secrets to excel with article marketing:

1. Your articles must be useful. Write while keeping your readers in mind and give them the kind of information that they will find valuable and useful. You can provide answer to their burning questions to shed some light on particular issues or give them a handful of great tips that can either improve their skill level or empower them to do certain things on their own. By doing so, you can lure online users to read your content in their entirety and increase the chances of your resource box of being clicked.

2. Your articles must be keyword-rich. Before you write you articles, identify the keywords that you will be targeting on your content. A little research using keyword suggestion tool will go along the way. Right now, the acceptable keyword density is anywhere within 1-3%. That means that if you are writing a 500-word article, you should include your main keyword 5-15 times in your content. It is important that your keywords sound natural and blend nicely with your content so you will not annoy your readers.

3. Use snappy titles. This is one of the most important elements in article marketing yet it is usually overlooked especially by new marketers. Remember, your title is the first thing that your potential clients will see with regards to your article. If your title is not well-written and boring, you can be assured that your articles will be left unread no matter how informative and well-written they are.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.