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Sunday, April 27, 2008

How To Turn 0 Dollars Into 200 Dollars Per Day In Clickbank Profits

Contrary to popular belief, it does not take money to make money from Clickbank. You don't have to slap up tons of costly AdWords ads, or pay large fees to Search Engine Optimization companies to make a full-time income from Clickbank. Many ordinary people create a nice income using free advertising methods. Here are 3 ways you can make profits from Clickbank without spending a dime:

1. Viral Article Marketing

This refers to the method of submitting short 250-500 word articles to article directories to make affiliate sales. It is more popularly known as Bum Marketing. Basically, you include your affiliate link in your resource box (or use a redirect from your own website to the affiliate product) and let your articles do the pre-selling.

2. No-Cost Classified Advertising

Classified ad sites are a goldmine of hungry customers looking for solutions. While you might not be able to advertise your direct affiliate link on some classified ads sites, you are allowed to direct visitors to a blog where you can pre-sell your affiliate product. Short and simple classified ads have the ability to pull in some nice profits everyday.

3. Forum Maven

Become a forum authority and post informative content at niche forums. In your signature file, include your affiliate link. If you make just 10 posts a day, you should be able to generate some sales every week. This should not be used as a main strategy, but as a "supplementary" one.

By using these 3 simple methods of generating traffic to your affiliate link, it's possible for you to start making some affiliate sales on a daily basis.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Best High Ticket Marketing - 3 Responsive Methods to Improve Your High Ticket Marketing

Properly advertising your products is your key to success. When there is product awareness among your target market, it is more likely that they would check your product out and consider purchasing. That is why, it is of outmost importance that you know how to choose the best marketing tools that can help you better connect to your potential clients to increase your sales potential.

Here are the 3 responsive methods to improve your high ticket marketing:

1. Search Engine Marketing or SEM - This is the process of making your website highly visible on search page results. This is usually done through website optimization and paid placement. This marketing tool can give your website and your products great exposure that can lead to great sales potential and increased revenue.

2. Content-based marketing solutions. As you know, information is currently the hottest commodity online and if you are able to offer this to online users, they will surely flock on your website. Some of the best content-based marketing solutions that you should focus your energy on are article marketing, ezine publishing, blogs, and ebooks. These can help you not only in augmenting your page views but also in positioning yourself as an expert on your chosen field. This can lead to rapport and trust which are very important elements in building fruitful business relationship with your potential clients.

3. Banner ads. Although there were a lot of new marketing tools that have been introduced for the last couple of years, banner advertising remains to be one of the best tools in driving qualified traffic to your website. You just need to identify the websites that are frequented by your target market and place your ads on these sites to increase your sales potential.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Write Articles With Ease

With the many ways there are to advertise products and services on the internet I have found a marketing course that will turn what you know about internet advertising upside-down.

Bum Marketing will show you how to run a successful advertising campaign without owning or maintaining a website or having a product of your own to endorse.

This course will show you where to go and how to sign up for affiliate programs. Once you have signed on to advertise the products on these websites, Bum Marketing will coach you on a way to write articles with ease.

You may not believe that you cant write articles with ease but Bum Marketing will show you what words to use in these articles and the perfect title you will give them so that you too will write articles with ease.

When you have signed up with these sites and written these articles Bum Marketing will show you how and where to submit your articles so that they will be placed on googles first page 90% of the time.

A placement on googles first page will assure that your article will be among the first seen when a consumer searches for the particular product or service you are endorsing. With this in mind you, can see how the odds are in your favor that the consumer will click the link back to the website you have placed in your article. There is a good chance that they will make a purchase and you will earn a commission. In many cases this commission can be as much as 75% of the purchase price.

If only one of the sites you advertise makes three sales for $125 each, your commission for that particular day would be $280.25. If you think about it, where else can you make that type of money in one day doing nothing more than submitting the articles you have learned to write with ease to a free site and waiting for the money to roll in.

I hope this article has helped you to see that Bum Marketing will help you out of the dark hole of a 9-5 job where you make pennies spending all of your time working your fingers to the bone.

Even though you may think you cant do this wouldnt it be worth it to learn to write articles with ease to bring more money and less stress to your life.

Get Your FREE 3-part email mini course, "The $100 A Day Income System!" Ill also give you a FREE subscription to my world-famous, no hype "$100 A Day Income System E-Zine!", get your FREE copy of, "The $100 A Day Income System!" Just for visiting us at: http://ahundreddollarsaday.com/

Reprinting Articles - 10 Smart Strategies to Sidestep the Duplicate Content Debate

The popularity of writing articles to market everything and anything online has never been greater -- and shows no sign of slowing down anytime soon.

Some article marketers throw caution to the wind and blast their articles out to hundreds of article directory sites using article submission software. Other article marketers manually submit articles to just one or a few article directory sites out of fear of triggering search engine duplicate content filters. The majority of article marketers fall somewhere in between.

As article marketers and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) experts debate the merit of submitting articles to multiple article directories, webmasters continue to pick up reprintable articles and content for use on their sites. These free reprint articles give webmasters the opportunity to keep their sites fresh and provide their visitors with quality content.

The paradox of article marketing is that this viral spread of articles through the process of making them available for free reprinting is precisely the objective of most article marketers.

Certainly, for standard article directories that lack customization and use identical content management systems, and for those sites created using automatically scraped content, the devaluing of duplicate content by search engines can be a genuine concern.

Smart webmasters, however, who use reprint content recognize that SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages) rank pages, not articles. With that in mind, here are 10 smart strategies savvy webmasters can adopt when using free reprint articles to create a win-win for everyone.

Reprint Strategy #1: Be selective and choose quality articles for reprinting.

Become familiar with authors who produce quality content. Avoid PLR (Private Label Rights) articles submitted by multiple authors, with or without rewriting. Also, avoid articles produced by article spinner software that generates multiple variations of a single article.

Behind the Page -- Customizing Reprint Content

Having selected appropriate quality content, webmasters can move on to make changes behind the scenes, in the source code of the page the article will appear on. Taking charge of the content of the metatags of the page can help to make the presentation of the article unique.

Reprint Strategy #2: Change up the keywords listed in the keyword metatag.

Reduce or increase the number of keywords used, or select different, relevant keywords to highlight.

Reprint Strategy #3: Use a unique page title.

Do not use either the page title used by the article directory or the article's title as the title for the page where the article is to be reprinted.

Giving the article page a distinctive title gives the page a chance to stand out on those SERPS that display the page title as the heading for the search result. More importantly, using a different title will help the page to appear unique rather than as yet another reprint.

Reprint Strategy #4: Write a custom description for the page.

Avoid using either the summary provided by the author or the first sentences of the article for the page meta-description. Like the article title, using the existing summary simply announces that the article is reprinted content. Writing a new description for the page provides added control over the keywords the page competes to rank for. Also, for the search engines that use the page description in their SERPS, the new description can be written to persuade searchers to click to the article page.

On the Page -- Custom Reprint Content Presentation

Smart webmasters go farther and customize the presentation of the reprint article on the page by adopting style and layout tactics used by print magazines for decades.

Strategy #5: Write an original introduction or summary to place before the article on the page.

Not only can an original introductory text box lure a reader into the article, just as in print publications, it can also provide another opportunity to control the specific keywords that the article page targets, partly by pushing the reprinted article farther down the page.

Strategy #6: Add original page headlines and/or subheads.

Webmasters can add original headlines and sub-headings to direct the visitor's eye path and experience on the article page and to control on-page keyword targeting.

Strategy #7: Use call-outs.

Do as print magazines and newspapers do, and pick out a memorable or intriguing quote from the article itself. Copy that quote into a text box in a larger font to emphasize it. This can be a powerful tactic both to draw readers into the article and to emphasize target keywords.

Strategy #8: Add sidebars with short fillers of original content.

Like print magazines, webmasters can use this technique to add value to the reader experience by adding tips, short lists, product information, quick statistics, or any other relevant information. It is also another opportunity to add keywords.

Strategy #9: Interrupt articles, breaking them up into sections.

Add text boxes with related content or relevant advertising part way into the article. Print magazines regularly use this "continued on" technique. On a web page, such text blocks can break up a single page into sections. The can provide the opportunity to highlight other information or advertising while providing yet another opportunity to target desired keywords.

Strategy #10: Add related content below the article.

Added content could be as simple as a short list of links to related pages or articles. It can be visitor comments. It can also be a spotlight on a relevant product. Anything that follows naturally from the content of the article and adds value to the visitor is a good candidate. This kind of material can lead visitors to the next destination and provides even more keyword content for search engine optimization.

Winning the Reprint Game

Putting a bit of effort into customizing the presentation of reprinted articles multiplies the benefit of using them and creates a win for everyone. The author/article marketer wins when the article is picked up by a webmaster who presents the article effectively to readers and search engines. The article directory wins when their crediting link is found on a well-presented page. The webmaster who reprints the article wins by offering quality content to visitors and by using articles for more effective SEO.

Finally, the visitor wins by finding quality content presented in a meaningful way. Even if a visitor discovers that they have encountered the article before, on another website, the custom elements of the presentation can still provide new value to their surfing experience.

(c)2007 Wendy Maki May be reprinted in email newsletters and on web sites. Must be unedited and include the resource box. All other rights reserved.

Find article directories at YClepen.com: The Directory of Article Directories http://www.YClepen.com

Why You Should Write Articles To Make Money Online?

If you are an Internet Marketer and are not writing articles then your business is not reaching its fullest potential. There are a couple of different reasons why you should write articles for your online business and in this article we will discuss them.

1. Adding Content to Your Website

The first reason for writing articles is to add content to your website. To receive a lot of visitors to your website you really want your site to rank well with Google and other search engines and one of the best ways to improve your ranking is to add a lot of content to your site.

Google loves websites with good quality original content. There really is so many pages that you can add to your site for your visitors to find what they need so to add more content the best way to do it is to add articles.

2. Article Marketing

The second reason why you should write articles is for the purpose of article marketing. This is one of the best methods of promoting your website, blog, product or affiliate product.

If you write an article to grab your reader's attention but don't quite give them all of the information they want then they will want to click on our link and visit your site to receive the rest of the information.

Many Internet Marketers are using this method of marketing and are extremely successful with it.

Writing articles is very easy to do and anyone can do it and the fact that they make a huge difference to your success online you'd be crazy not to write articles.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at: http://www.mynetmarketingland.com/article-marketing/

Are You Making These 3 Stupid Mistakes With Your Article Marketing?

Let us look at why article marketing is so popular at the moment. Prospects hate to be sold. By providing good solid content you can provide valuable information without the prospect realizing that you are actually selling to them. This creates credibility and trust for you as you will be seen as an expert in the niche that you focus on.

Some benefits of article marketing is that your content will primarily be viral in nature and they will be published on many other websites. They also help to improve your link popularity for your website and your search engine rankings.

Mistake 1 - Writing Your Article For The Wrong Reason Often because you are in a hurry to write an article to gain brand recognition, backlinks and build an opt in list you will write an article in a hurry. The primary reason for writing an article is to get it read and for it to be informative. If the article does not offer significant value people are unlikely to click through to your website in your bio and publish it on their websites.

Mistake 2 - Writing Your Article Without A Strategy

There are two main reasons that you will write an article. They are writing to brand yourself as an expert and also writing to build an opt in list. You need to decide what is your primary objective. Writing an article for creating expert recognition will mean demonstrating your expert knowledge. This will make your articles viral as people publish it. However, it may not be that successful for building an opt in list. So you have to decide if you are writing your article to build an opt in list or create your brand on the internet.

Mistake 3- Not Taking Advantage Of The Free Search Engine Traffic Often people will write an informative article that will generate some visitors when the article has been approved. However, once other articles are approved in the same category your article will no longer display on the list of recently approved articles in that specific category. So you will no longer get traffic if you do not optimize your article for keywords that are searched on by search engines.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing Mastery

If Make Money Online Blogging selling a product or a service online, article marketing Make Money Online At Go one of the easiest and most cost effective ways Make Money Playing Online Poker send traffic to Online Make Money Online With Ebay website. As well as About people directly to Blogcatalog site, Google will also use article marketing to boost your Make Money Online And Work From Home popularity - a critical factor in search engine rankings.

The first step in mastering article marketing is writing good content. Even if you don't have experience writing articles, this is a skill you can develop over 2 At the start, keep it as simple as Click?id=3uw12mu1sfw&offerid=102327 and use short sentences. Try to be 1q98r09608orqywpvxoqpsxxvtr and give advice in your article without overloading it 4uwebcash The Place To Fing A Home Base Business keywords.

Also, Make Money Online With sure you write an excellent headline. The Internet Marketing Sales attention you can grab with your headline, the more Online Money Making Opportunity the article will be published. I've read that top copywriters spend more time developing a headline or title than actually writing the article itself.

Secondly, spend some time writing a good resource box that will encourage readers to click on the link to your website. Once readers navigate to your page, you can offer them your products or you can offer them something for free so long as they submit their email address.

Either way, you are onto a winner. You will either sell products or begin to develop a list of potential buyers who you can contact with news, helpful tips, and special offers.

Once you have written your article and resource box, you need to think about distributing your articles.

Article directories are probably the easiest way to get your work out in the public domain. There are hundreds of article directories out there, some general and some that publish articles on niche areas. Find the ones that you think will get your articles the most exposure. I like to make sure I submit to article directories with at least a PageRank of 3.

Submitting to article directories can be a time-consuming exercise. There are software packages that can make automatic submissions, but many directories have measures in place to block automatic submissions. Alternatively you could use an article Online Money Making Guide B274js0ys Fihpngmofhglikgph but these can be expensive. It is probably Stat?id=3uw12mu1sfw&offerid=7097 to choose a few directories that suit you and make the submissions yourself. Do a search for "article submission software" to find the lastest article submission software products.

You can also try contacting editors of Feed in your field and ask them to consider accepting some of your work. Send a sample of your work.

As you submit more and more articles you should become more well Guide To Making Money and you will build up trust among ?list Building With Squeeze Pages Is A Continuing Business Source&id=1073370 publishers. Be patient, and your article marketing efforts will pay Really Make Money Online guarantee it!

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