Earn Extra Cash

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

10 More Give Marketing Ideas

Give marketing is all about using your generous nature to bring you good fortune. It's "fortune" rather than reciprocation because you may be rewarded from someone other than you gave to - sometimes just the right person with the connections you need.

Of course, the best reward of give marketing is that it feels good to do the right thing...

Give Marketing Tip #1- Giving a Private Phone call
Meeting online is great. But some things are better discussed on the phone. If you have a lot of international friends, cut down your calls with Skype, an app that lets you make calls on a hi-speed connection through your computer. All you need is a headset and their free software. For a small fee you can even get an incoming phone number.

Give Marketing Tip #2- Giving a Teleseminar
Not all Give Marketing is about giving without knowing where the reciprocation will come from. Hold a free teleseminar where you discuss just a few tips as a demonstration of your knowledge, then upsell to a starter item. Add an affiliate program and you'll never be without visitors.

Give Marketing Tip #3- Giving a Webinar
While you can get free service for a teleseminar of up to 100 people if you're stateside, most webinars with more than ten guest will cost you a bit of change. To overcome that, record the webinar and sell it as a starter package to those who couldn't make it.

Give Marketing Tip #4- Giving a Video Demo
If you've got a way to capture screenshots, next time you have a tip to share, try creating a video instead. Once you get the hang of the software, it can sometimes be faster and more effective than a written tip. Of course, some things are better left in print, so choose wisely.

Give Marketing Tip #5- Giving a Screenshot
Almost all computers have an easy way to capture the screen, or freeware you can download to do it. Say it in pictures.

Give Marketing Tip #6- Giving a How-to
It can be in text, pictures, audio, video, or all of the above.

Give Marketing Tip #7- Giving Your Friendship
Everyone needs help or a shoulder to lean on sometimes. Make friends. It's lonely online.

Give Marketing Tip #8- Giving Thanks
Yeah, it seems obvious, but we all forget sometimes. By the way, thank you for reading my article. :)

Give Marketing Tip #9- Giving Use of Your Resources Share and share alike. And probably get tons of links too.

Give Marketing Tip #10- Giving an Interview or an Interview Opportunity

Just because giving an interview benefits you, don't think it's not important to the other party too. And if you're the one asking for the interview, remember to be respectful of the other person's time, and be patient if something goes wrong. Just because we're online doesn't mean folks don't have lives, get sick, or have mini-disasters of their own.

Being understanding pays off way more than being a prima donna.

Give Marketing Tip #11- Giving Content or a Place to Publish Content There will never be too many quality resources that provide or publish content.

By now, you see how this Give Marketing Thing works. You make yourself an indispensable resource, and your knowledge and service does the marketing for you.

Tinu is a website promotion specialist. Go to http://www.freetraffictip.com to learn more about all aspects of traffic generation, including blogging, article marketing and get late-breaking search engine news. Go to http://www.freetraffictip.com to learn more about all aspects of traffic generation, including blogging, article marketing and search engine optimization.

How To Get More Clicks From Your Article Marketing

Article marketing has emerged as the easiest, fastest and least expensive way to build traffic to any website, and build name recognition for yourself as an authority in your field.

In a nutshell, it works like this. You (or someone you hire to ghostwrite for you) write a number of short articles that typically range from 300 to 900 words in length. You keep the articles informative, without an overt sales message. The tone of your articles must be helpful and useful to readers who have an interest in your topic.

Next you submit your articles to any of the hundreds of online article submission sites, also known as "article banks," and agree that anyone can reprint your articles for their websites under certain conditions. These conditions include the fact that you maintain your copyright over your own materials, that the article be reprinted exactly as you published it, without any changes, and that your name and website also be kept intact.

Finally, and most importantly, the person reprinting your article must agree to also publish your "resource box" along with the article.

The resource box is where the magic of article marketing takes place. This is where you can put your sales and marketing message. It is also where you tell readers about yourself and about the services you offer. And finally, the resource box is where you place a link pointing to your website.

When people read your articles, whether they find it on the article bank you submitted the article to, or on another website that reprinted your article, they will naturally read your resource box as well. They may then click on the link to your website and get more information about what you can do for them.

But the key word here is "may." If your resource box does not motivate readers to click on your link and visit your website, the whole effort involved in writing the article will go to waste. Many people spend a lot of time writing very high quality articles only to let down when it comes to crafting the ideal resource box.

Don't make this mistake, make sure your resource box gives readers a reason to click on that link. Don't just offer a benefit, for visiting your site, offer benefits they can have right now. Use phrases like, "find out how," or "learn more about," or "don't lose another minute." Appeal to your readers' need for immediate gratification, and you get more clicks and more visitors for every article you write.

Charles Brown is a copywriter and internet marketer who teaches entrepreneurs how to create superior marketing campaigns, write compelling web content, capture more leads, build huge email lists and use autoresponders to turn casual website visitors into buyers. His popular newsletter, Tightwad Marketing Ideas is a must for any entrepreneur wanting to successfully market any business without spending a fortune.

How To "Earn Money Online" For The Long Haul With An Online Business

Many times entrepreneurs will set out to earn money online with dollar figures in there eyes for their first month. They plan for that initial commission base, but they don't plan their online business structure to create longevity for them. You may be excited over your profit margins at the beginning. But having a business that is created for the long-term is going to continue to pay you through the life of your business.

Don't fall prey to the figures you may have been promised when you started your online business. When you set out to earn money online it is not a marathon, rather you should set out to have a three month plan, six month plan and a one year plan. Starting your business off with long term goals will assist you in creating a long term business.

So you are ready to learn how to create plan to earn money online that will last. Here is 10 steps to make sure your business has the foundation to have a long term profit with your product or service.

1.) Smart Investing

When you start an online business you should really keep your capital to a minimum. You have already had to invest in your start up expenses. Now you will have to create an online marketing strategy.

Consider doing your own PR, and marketing instead of putting high dollars into advertising expenses. At the beginning your goal should be into earning money online, not over spending. Utilizing free PR, media, and search engine marketing is some great free resources.

2.) Reinvesting -

You have made your first sale! Congratulations. while some want to pay themselves back for there startup cost. Consider putting 10-20% back into some paid marketing strategies. Reinvest back into your business to increase your sales margins.

3.) Handling Diversities

We don't live in a world that has no problems or roadblocks. Understanding that your business will have some roadblocks to overcome is important to your overall mindset and business.

If business hits a snag, it does not mean your business is over, it simply means you are now a business owner, how you handle this could determine your overall success. Don't fall apart and halt your efforts to earn money online. Instead move forward learn from the roadblocks and conquer them. You are an entrepreneur and understanding there will be some problems to overcome will prepare you for when they do occur. You will be ready for them. You will be ready to handle and continue to profit from anything that stands in your way.

4.) Read books by successful people

Reading books on business and how successful people built there business can be very important to your overall success. When you connect with authors that have built a long term business it gets you in the proper mindset. It is suggested to set apart twenty minutes a day to read book from others that are in the same field as you are.

5.) Management Skills

At the start of your business you are a secretary, accountant, PR manager, marketing executive. That may all go along with being a mom or dad, an employee.

Life is busy and building a business adds extra responsibilities. You are going to want to take some time and set a clear schedule. One where you can commit to your business and time when you need take time for your other responsibilities. At the beginning your business needs your time to help it grow and expand. Making sure you stick to your schedule will help to insure task get done.

6.) Burn out

Along with the extra time investment to your business, and the everyday responsibilities be careful of burn out. Taking some down time and time for yourself is important. Make sure that once a week you take some time away for you. If you are drained then productively building your business is not going to happen. If you are rested then you will be much more productive.

7.) The Necessities

Many times when entrepreneurs are trying to earn money online they waste time doing things that are not necessary. They don't take action in increasing their business statistics.

Especially if the amount of time you have for your online business is minimal. It is important to make sure you use that time to have your business make money. Make a list of things according to priority. Top is the most important and work down to least important. Stick to this list, don't go and try to clean your desk or dust off your keyboard. Take the time to work on what is necessary

8) Keep Good Statistics

When you are starting an online business, you will have some online marketing strategies that work very well You will have others that won't. Make sure you know where your best sales conversions are coming from, and where the worst are stemming from.

Having a good records on what works will allow you to go back to that marketing source. Obviously you won't want to invest in the ones that do not

9.) Delegate

You may not have the expenses to hire employees at this point. But you can still delegate task. A good business owner will know when to ask for help. Ask your family and friends for help. Many times people are interested in what you are doing. They want to help. Take the time to ask.

10.) Opt - In list

If you are planning on building a business that last you want to have an opt- in list. This is a list that comes from people that have visited your website. Once the opt in you continue to send them correspondences about you opportunity. The more contacts you have will create a long term client list that you can refer back to

As much as you want to earn money online today, it is important to plan for the future. If you have an online business it should be managed and run as a permanent position. As it is great to earn money online today, its even better when you can continue to profit in the years to come.

Megan Vaillancourt Creator and Founder of the highly acclaimed Mentoring Team Mentors 4 U. A online training group for Passport To Wealth. With 8 years experience in training entrepreneurs how to build successful home business, she has paved the way for creating the highest duplication records amongst her students



Mrs. Vaillancourt and Her business Well Rounded Consulting specializes in search engine optimization and professional website design. Compare the prices to other companies on the net. For a free consultation, and price quote please feel free to contact

Megan Vaillancourt 802-285-2006 mentors4u@gmail.com

How To "Earn Money Online" For The Long Haul With An Online Business

Many times entrepreneurs will set out to earn money online with dollar figures in there eyes for their first month. They plan for that initial commission base, but they don't plan their online business structure to create longevity for them. You may be excited over your profit margins at the beginning. But having a business that is created for the long-term is going to continue to pay you through the life of your business.

Don't fall prey to the figures you may have been promised when you started your online business. When you set out to earn money online it is not a marathon, rather you should set out to have a three month plan, six month plan and a one year plan. Starting your business off with long term goals will assist you in creating a long term business.

So you are ready to learn how to create plan to earn money online that will last. Here is 10 steps to make sure your business has the foundation to have a long term profit with your product or service.

1.) Smart Investing

When you start an online business you should really keep your capital to a minimum. You have already had to invest in your start up expenses. Now you will have to create an online marketing strategy.

Consider doing your own PR, and marketing instead of putting high dollars into advertising expenses. At the beginning your goal should be into earning money online, not over spending. Utilizing free PR, media, and search engine marketing is some great free resources.

2.) Reinvesting -

You have made your first sale! Congratulations. while some want to pay themselves back for there startup cost. Consider putting 10-20% back into some paid marketing strategies. Reinvest back into your business to increase your sales margins.

3.) Handling Diversities

We don't live in a world that has no problems or roadblocks. Understanding that your business will have some roadblocks to overcome is important to your overall mindset and business.

If business hits a snag, it does not mean your business is over, it simply means you are now a business owner, how you handle this could determine your overall success. Don't fall apart and halt your efforts to earn money online. Instead move forward learn from the roadblocks and conquer them. You are an entrepreneur and understanding there will be some problems to overcome will prepare you for when they do occur. You will be ready for them. You will be ready to handle and continue to profit from anything that stands in your way.

4.) Read books by successful people

Reading books on business and how successful people built there business can be very important to your overall success. When you connect with authors that have built a long term business it gets you in the proper mindset. It is suggested to set apart twenty minutes a day to read book from others that are in the same field as you are.

5.) Management Skills

At the start of your business you are a secretary, accountant, PR manager, marketing executive. That may all go along with being a mom or dad, an employee.

Life is busy and building a business adds extra responsibilities. You are going to want to take some time and set a clear schedule. One where you can commit to your business and time when you need take time for your other responsibilities. At the beginning your business needs your time to help it grow and expand. Making sure you stick to your schedule will help to insure task get done.

6.) Burn out

Along with the extra time investment to your business, and the everyday responsibilities be careful of burn out. Taking some down time and time for yourself is important. Make sure that once a week you take some time away for you. If you are drained then productively building your business is not going to happen. If you are rested then you will be much more productive.

7.) The Necessities

Many times when entrepreneurs are trying to earn money online they waste time doing things that are not necessary. They don't take action in increasing their business statistics.

Especially if the amount of time you have for your online business is minimal. It is important to make sure you use that time to have your business make money. Make a list of things according to priority. Top is the most important and work down to least important. Stick to this list, don't go and try to clean your desk or dust off your keyboard. Take the time to work on what is necessary

8) Keep Good Statistics

When you are starting an online business, you will have some online marketing strategies that work very well You will have others that won't. Make sure you know where your best sales conversions are coming from, and where the worst are stemming from.

Having a good records on what works will allow you to go back to that marketing source. Obviously you won't want to invest in the ones that do not

9.) Delegate

You may not have the expenses to hire employees at this point. But you can still delegate task. A good business owner will know when to ask for help. Ask your family and friends for help. Many times people are interested in what you are doing. They want to help. Take the time to ask.

10.) Opt - In list

If you are planning on building a business that last you want to have an opt- in list. This is a list that comes from people that have visited your website. Once the opt in you continue to send them correspondences about you opportunity. The more contacts you have will create a long term client list that you can refer back to

As much as you want to earn money online today, it is important to plan for the future. If you have an online business it should be managed and run as a permanent position. As it is great to earn money online today, its even better when you can continue to profit in the years to come.

Megan Vaillancourt Creator and Founder of the highly acclaimed Mentoring Team Mentors 4 U. A online training group for Passport To Wealth. With 8 years experience in training entrepreneurs how to build successful home business, she has paved the way for creating the highest duplication records amongst her students



Mrs. Vaillancourt and Her business Well Rounded Consulting specializes in search engine optimization and professional website design. Compare the prices to other companies on the net. For a free consultation, and price quote please feel free to contact

Megan Vaillancourt 802-285-2006 mentors4u@gmail.com

Submitting Your Article For Maximum Income

You finished writing that million dollar article. You puzzled for hours to come up with the perfect title that will compel viewers to read it. Now what? Some marketing experts suggest that you submit it to the top five or ten submission sites. I disagree. I've been marketing articles to generate income for some time now and my experience tells me a different story.

I like to make money with every article I write. Each one is designed for that purpose alone. I laser target my articles to compliment the products Im promoting. For each product, I develop five to seven articles. In addition, I fashion a slightly different resource box for each product. Each resource box will contain several links. One will direct readers to the product Im promoting and the other will point to my sign-in page.

I will time the articles I submit so that come out three or four days apart. I do this because many sites publish a list of their most recent articles submitted. By timing them in this fashion, my articles are given front-page coverage for quite some time.

As I said, many marketing people say that you only need to submit to the top five or ten sites. I say hogwash!! I submit each article to hundreds (and hundreds) of sites. My attitude is, the more sites you submit to, the more page views you get. The more page views generated, the higher your potential income. And personally, I like to maximize my income. In fairness, I will admit that the top ten sites to which I submit represent 30% - 40% of my readers. But why would I leave 60% of my potential business on the table?

In order to achieve the high numbers of submissions that I make, it is absolutely necessary to use an automatic submission program. To do it manually, would take weeks. Even using the submission program, it takes me an entire day to complete the job. But, for the additional income and page views I generate, it is well worth the extra effort.

There are many good article submission programs out there. Some of them are free, and others charge a fee for the program. I find the free ones usually have 50 to 100 sites pre-loaded into them. Typically, the programs for sale contain five hundred to nine hundred sites pre-loaded. Of course, there are a number of other differences, but the quantity of submissions is the most important factor to me.

Download our FREE REPORT at: http://www.milliondollararticle.com and get access to tons of free articles, reports, and downloads relating to article marketing.

Jo Mark is an Internet marketing expert specializing in the generation of income through the writing and placement of articles. Our successful ebooks have helped countless individuals to generate income by writing articles.

Submitting Your Article For Maximum Income

You finished writing that million dollar article. You puzzled for hours to come up with the perfect title that will compel viewers to read it. Now what? Some marketing experts suggest that you submit it to the top five or ten submission sites. I disagree. I've been marketing articles to generate income for some time now and my experience tells me a different story.

I like to make money with every article I write. Each one is designed for that purpose alone. I laser target my articles to compliment the products Im promoting. For each product, I develop five to seven articles. In addition, I fashion a slightly different resource box for each product. Each resource box will contain several links. One will direct readers to the product Im promoting and the other will point to my sign-in page.

I will time the articles I submit so that come out three or four days apart. I do this because many sites publish a list of their most recent articles submitted. By timing them in this fashion, my articles are given front-page coverage for quite some time.

As I said, many marketing people say that you only need to submit to the top five or ten sites. I say hogwash!! I submit each article to hundreds (and hundreds) of sites. My attitude is, the more sites you submit to, the more page views you get. The more page views generated, the higher your potential income. And personally, I like to maximize my income. In fairness, I will admit that the top ten sites to which I submit represent 30% - 40% of my readers. But why would I leave 60% of my potential business on the table?

In order to achieve the high numbers of submissions that I make, it is absolutely necessary to use an automatic submission program. To do it manually, would take weeks. Even using the submission program, it takes me an entire day to complete the job. But, for the additional income and page views I generate, it is well worth the extra effort.

There are many good article submission programs out there. Some of them are free, and others charge a fee for the program. I find the free ones usually have 50 to 100 sites pre-loaded into them. Typically, the programs for sale contain five hundred to nine hundred sites pre-loaded. Of course, there are a number of other differences, but the quantity of submissions is the most important factor to me.

Download our FREE REPORT at: http://www.milliondollararticle.com and get access to tons of free articles, reports, and downloads relating to article marketing.

Jo Mark is an Internet marketing expert specializing in the generation of income through the writing and placement of articles. Our successful ebooks have helped countless individuals to generate income by writing articles.

Amazing Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Phenomenal Secrets to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Every webmaster dreams of having huge and steady traffic to their website so they can easily sell their products and services to their potential clients. This is the reason why they are in constant search for marketing tools can help them realize this goal. Good thing article marketing is here. This is the most efficient and cost-effective website and product promotional tool that can easily augment website traffic and boost online sales.

Here are the 5 phenomenal secrets to multiply your article marketing:

1. Focus on the needs of your readers. Never write your articles based on your interest or information that you need to know. You have to keep in mind that the key to succeed in article marketing is effectively giving your readers what they need. When you are able to do so, your readers will most likely to click on your website to get more information.

2. Use striking titles. This is the most important element in your article marketing that will ultimately define your clickthrough rate. If your headlines are catchy, attention-grabbing, intriguing, well-written, and communicate the readers' benefits, your articles have great chances of being open and read.

3. Keep your articles short and sweet. As you are writing for audience who have short attention span, you must create articles that run between 300-500 words.

4. Increase the number of your articles. There are so many benefits in writing more articles for your marketing campaign. These includes: stronger online presence, positioning yourself as expert on your chosen niche, more inbound links for your website, and increased search engine traffic.

5. Keep your content focused. By this, I mean never introduce ideas or new information that is totally irrelevant to your topic to avoid confusing your readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Amazing Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Phenomenal Secrets to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Every webmaster dreams of having huge and steady traffic to their website so they can easily sell their products and services to their potential clients. This is the reason why they are in constant search for marketing tools can help them realize this goal. Good thing article marketing is here. This is the most efficient and cost-effective website and product promotional tool that can easily augment website traffic and boost online sales.

Here are the 5 phenomenal secrets to multiply your article marketing:

1. Focus on the needs of your readers. Never write your articles based on your interest or information that you need to know. You have to keep in mind that the key to succeed in article marketing is effectively giving your readers what they need. When you are able to do so, your readers will most likely to click on your website to get more information.

2. Use striking titles. This is the most important element in your article marketing that will ultimately define your clickthrough rate. If your headlines are catchy, attention-grabbing, intriguing, well-written, and communicate the readers' benefits, your articles have great chances of being open and read.

3. Keep your articles short and sweet. As you are writing for audience who have short attention span, you must create articles that run between 300-500 words.

4. Increase the number of your articles. There are so many benefits in writing more articles for your marketing campaign. These includes: stronger online presence, positioning yourself as expert on your chosen niche, more inbound links for your website, and increased search engine traffic.

5. Keep your content focused. By this, I mean never introduce ideas or new information that is totally irrelevant to your topic to avoid confusing your readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How To Establish A Strong Marketing Strategy

As a business owner, you won't have any difficulties looking for marketing strategies to help you stay in the game. In fact, marketing strategies are a dime a dozen, and you can find them almost everywhere - in the Internet, books, reference materials, and even on cereal boxes.

The fact is, there are a lot of tips and suggestions that you can apply to your own business to help you achieve your goals. The thing you have to remember though is that the key to having an effective marketing campaign is in the implementation. When you execute successfully even if the odds are against you then you can truly say that your efforts have not been wasted.

So what is the best marketing strategy for your business? How can you develop a strong marketing plan to help you grow your business?

First of all, a marketing tactic that is focused on your customers' needs is the best plan yet. When you are able to have a campaign - say a marketing collateral that uses color printing as its method - that is based on providing a solution to your target market's needs then you would have a successful one.

Second, combine this strategy with a flexible one that can easily adapt to the changing environment, and then have the strength as well as resources to implement it then you'll definitely have the competitive edge over the rest in the industry.

In today's world, the only way you can survive in your chosen filed is to get people interested in what you have to offer. You have to have the benefits laid out for them that your target audience would be hard put to resist your products and services.

You, as the business owner, ought to consider the benefits yourself of targeting your particular customers and focusing on their needs. When you are able to satisfy their needs better than your competitors, not only do you increase your sales but most importantly, you will be able to build a stronger and lasting relationship which can get you repeat business from your target market.

Nevertheless, we have an ever changing environment, and people do change. That's why your marketing strategy also needs to be flexible to the changes occurring regularly. Your marketing strategy needs to function properly for it to be effective.

A marketing strategy that is adaptable to any change in the business climate and opportunities has the most to gain.

So how can you establish a strong marketing strategy for your business? By looking at your target market, focusing on their needs, and creating something that is flexible to the needs of the times.

Most of all, you have to set up a marketing campaign that is appropriate to your business needs too.

For more information, you can visit this page on Offset Printing.

Charen Smith writes articles about Internet Marketing. She has an extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to business strategies, techniques and business solutions.

How To Establish A Strong Marketing Strategy

As a business owner, you won't have any difficulties looking for marketing strategies to help you stay in the game. In fact, marketing strategies are a dime a dozen, and you can find them almost everywhere - in the Internet, books, reference materials, and even on cereal boxes.

The fact is, there are a lot of tips and suggestions that you can apply to your own business to help you achieve your goals. The thing you have to remember though is that the key to having an effective marketing campaign is in the implementation. When you execute successfully even if the odds are against you then you can truly say that your efforts have not been wasted.

So what is the best marketing strategy for your business? How can you develop a strong marketing plan to help you grow your business?

First of all, a marketing tactic that is focused on your customers' needs is the best plan yet. When you are able to have a campaign - say a marketing collateral that uses color printing as its method - that is based on providing a solution to your target market's needs then you would have a successful one.

Second, combine this strategy with a flexible one that can easily adapt to the changing environment, and then have the strength as well as resources to implement it then you'll definitely have the competitive edge over the rest in the industry.

In today's world, the only way you can survive in your chosen filed is to get people interested in what you have to offer. You have to have the benefits laid out for them that your target audience would be hard put to resist your products and services.

You, as the business owner, ought to consider the benefits yourself of targeting your particular customers and focusing on their needs. When you are able to satisfy their needs better than your competitors, not only do you increase your sales but most importantly, you will be able to build a stronger and lasting relationship which can get you repeat business from your target market.

Nevertheless, we have an ever changing environment, and people do change. That's why your marketing strategy also needs to be flexible to the changes occurring regularly. Your marketing strategy needs to function properly for it to be effective.

A marketing strategy that is adaptable to any change in the business climate and opportunities has the most to gain.

So how can you establish a strong marketing strategy for your business? By looking at your target market, focusing on their needs, and creating something that is flexible to the needs of the times.

Most of all, you have to set up a marketing campaign that is appropriate to your business needs too.

For more information, you can visit this page on Offset Printing.

Charen Smith writes articles about Internet Marketing. She has an extensive knowledge and experience when it comes to business strategies, techniques and business solutions.

Online Article Marketing Strategies and Techniques Discussed

As you know there are many Online Article Marketing Strategies and Techniques. You see Online Article Marketing is a very effective way to achieve targeted traffic; customers coming to your web site who are more opt to buy your products or services.

Online Article Marketing is writing informational articles with a byline on the bottom that has a link to your web site. By submitting your articles to an online article submission web site that syndicates the articles they will end up all over the Internet and drive traffic to you.

I have made "The Case For Online Article Marketing" in the past and I will do it again, because it does make sense for online article authors to engage in writing articles to increase targeted traffic. When people ask me questions like;

  • Does Online Article Marketing work?
  • Is it worth writing hundreds of articles in order to attract targeted traffic to your online business?
  • Should you spend the time to write articles and put them online at an online article directory web site?
  • If you put a byline underneath the article will customers click on it that are interested in what you sell and come to your web site?
  • Will these customers once they come to your web site by your products or services?
  • Does online article marketing really work?
Well, I feel I am qualified now to present the case for Online Article Marketing and recommend why you should participate in online article marketing if you have a web site which sells your products or services.

Even if you are not selling anything I still recommend online article marketing to drive traffic to your nonprofit cause, political web site or to help present your case for a change for humanity, society or government.

I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington

Online Article Marketing Strategies and Techniques Discussed

As you know there are many Online Article Marketing Strategies and Techniques. You see Online Article Marketing is a very effective way to achieve targeted traffic; customers coming to your web site who are more opt to buy your products or services.

Online Article Marketing is writing informational articles with a byline on the bottom that has a link to your web site. By submitting your articles to an online article submission web site that syndicates the articles they will end up all over the Internet and drive traffic to you.

I have made "The Case For Online Article Marketing" in the past and I will do it again, because it does make sense for online article authors to engage in writing articles to increase targeted traffic. When people ask me questions like;

  • Does Online Article Marketing work?
  • Is it worth writing hundreds of articles in order to attract targeted traffic to your online business?
  • Should you spend the time to write articles and put them online at an online article directory web site?
  • If you put a byline underneath the article will customers click on it that are interested in what you sell and come to your web site?
  • Will these customers once they come to your web site by your products or services?
  • Does online article marketing really work?
Well, I feel I am qualified now to present the case for Online Article Marketing and recommend why you should participate in online article marketing if you have a web site which sells your products or services.

Even if you are not selling anything I still recommend online article marketing to drive traffic to your nonprofit cause, political web site or to help present your case for a change for humanity, society or government.

I certainly hope this article is of interest and that is has propelled thought. The goal is simple; to help you in your quest to be the best in 2007. I thank you for reading my many articles on diverse subjects, which interest you.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; http://www.WorldThinkTank.net/. Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington