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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Does Article Marketing Work?

Article marketing is a very popular method of advertising your online business. The idea is you write a bunch of informative articles on some aspect of your business and the distribute these articles on the internet.

A lot of internet marketers and affiliate marketers have dabbled in article marketing at some stage in there careers. A large proportion of these people have given up because they have not seen the results that they expected from article marketing.

So why are all these people failing? And why is there still a lot of enthusiasm for article marketing.

The simple answers is Article marketing works but only if done right.

And what is the right way to approach article marketing.

Article content The articles you write should be original and should contain interesting, useful information that will engage and intrigue your readers. Get into the mind of your prospective readers and hopefully future customers and try and see things from their perspective. Give them information that you know they want, rather than information you feel like giving them.

Make your article so full of great information that it becomes a reference for whatever it is you are writing about.

Rehashed content will only put people off. If your article is saying the same thing that hundreds of other articles have said, you appear stale and your readers may get the impression that your business is a 'me too' business.

No original ideas

Aim to keep your articles fresh and informative.

Article frequency:

Article marketing is only as effective as the reach of your articles.

If you post an article once a week and your article is taken up by 10 websites, at the end of a month you have 40 representations on the internet.

If however you post an article a day on the internet and the take up rate by other webmasters is still 10 per article, you suddenly have a web exposure of 300. The reach of 300 websites displaying an article of yours is by far greater than the reach of 40 websites. If you are considering article marketing, you need to be prepared to post at least one content rich, original article every single day.

Article Format:

Articles written for article marketing purposes must apply search engine optimization methods. This is important so that your articles rank high with the search engines.

Also you need to pay attention to the different parts of your articles. The headline must be a good attention grabbing headline, your body must be well thought out and your bio box must be carefully worded to increase your click through rate

More details will be provided in the next part of this series.

Affiliate Marketing Tips and Affiliate Marketing Guide at http://www.affiliatemarketingintro.com

Article Marketing - What Is The Magic Number Of Articles To Be Successful?

This is a question that I get asked many times by people. How many articles do I need to write to be successful with article marketing. Now let us look at some key considerations that are important to be successful with this method of marketing.

When you are first starting out it is going to be difficult to write one article a week. For most people writing does not come easily. So it is very important that you focus on doing one article a week. Once you become good at this you can increase this number to two a week.

Over time you will become very good at writing at you will be able to write five articles a day. Then you can gradually increase this and you will be writing ten articles a day.

So back to the original question. How many articles should you have written to start seeing measurable results. You need at least two hundred and fifty articles to start seeing good results and determine if you are progressing with your article marketing. If you were thinking of only writing a few articles sorry to disappoint you.

So what is the magic number of how many articles that I need to write? You need to write as many as possible. You see the more articles you have in distribution with the article directories the higher the number of readers of your articles. This equals more subscribers and more paid customers. Knowing this information once you become good at writing you may want to write at least ten articles a day.

Hopefully this information will motivate you to write more articles so that you can increase your business.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - My Insider Secrets To Getting Explosive Traffic From Articles

You do get a lot of traffic initially when your article is posted on directories, but the key to long-term traffic is to use the right keywords in your articles.

The visitor rate per article won't be as hot after a while, but with 500 articles or a few thousand articles, it won't be a big deal because some of your articles will get traffic from the search engines, and also from the search bar in the article directory itself, if you've done some good keyword optimization in your title, article keywords, description and actual article content.

You do want to get out as many articles as you initially, then once your traffic has become stable, add in articles occasionally.

You can also submit your articles to other article directories. If you haven't used article submission services before, you can add that to the mix. That's one more way of leveraging your articles.

You can also use your articles as press releases, and even for classified ads. I haven't seen many people post articles on classified ads. Your article will stand out as a powerful advertorial amongst the sea of hard-selling ads.

Personally I prefer writing the articles myself, it can be hard to find a writer whose writing style matches the brand of your business. You can, however, find some good writers on sites like Elance and Get A Freelancer. Simply hire a good one to do your projects for the long-term if you are not interested in writing them.

Those are just some tips for getting leads and sales from articles. Do keep them in your mind as you go about your daily marketing activities. Quantity and quality equals power. There is no black or white.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Article Marketing's Secret Killer Offline Tactic

Articles are a great way to generate traffic real quickly online. After all, they are viral traffic generators that work round the clock to bring traffic to your site almost effortlessly. But taking it step further, how do we take this killer tactic offline?

One way is to submit your article as content to be published. Newspapers and magazines are often looking for freelancing writers, but this is a difficult way to get your article in a publication as there are tons of competition.

A better way is to use your article in an editorial ad. An editorial ad is ad that reads like any other article, but the intention is not just to inform, but also to promote. You can create a direct response ad with one of your best articles and submit it to a relevant offline publication as an advertisement.

The key to success with this method is to choose an article that ties in with your business. If readers like what they see in your article and it leaves them hungry for more, then youll definitely see more leads and sales. Be sure to also choose the right publication to fire your ad out. Youd want the publication to be one that has a loyal readership base, and youd also want to see ads in the publication that are similar to yours. If there are ads that are running every month or every week in the publication, it means these ads are pulling in the money!

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before its gone!

Powerful Article Marketing - Latest 5 Hidden Steps to Impact Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is an inexpensive advertising method for small ebusinesses to potentially establish their website on the World Wide Web. This technique is considered as one of the most profitable business generation methods that offer quick, gratifying results.

1. Some article writers, especially those who are just starting out, do not have much confidence in their writing and they tend to be very self-critical. If you are one of them, I strongly recommend that you ask professional editors to review your content. These people can give your constructive feedback that you can use so you can write better articles the next time you tap on your keyboard.

2. If you are using your content on your article marketing campaign, do not forget to conduct numerous tests to identify which of your articles are receiving impressive click through rates. Sometimes, articles are not performing well online because they have lousy titles or they do not offer much information.

3. If your articles are not performing at all, try to identify the weak points of your article marketing campaign. There might be something wrong with your writing style or you might be missing essential elements to make your articles perform online.

4. Manually submit your articles. While there are a lot of marketers who are using automatic article submission software, nothing beats the effort of personally submitting your articles. Aside from personal touch, you can be assured that your content will not be messed up.

5. If you seriously want to obtain valuable links to your site that will help your SEO efforts, you must make your article marketing more determined. By this, I mean you must have discipline and you must be willing to persevere until you get the results you are hoping for. In line with this, you must be willing to consistently write and submit articles on a regular basis.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Beware of Article Marketing's Worst Business Proposition

Article marketing involves a very simple exchange of value:

(1) Writers compose articles that they submit to ezines and to other web based publications; and

(2) Those ezines publish the articles, listing them with search engines, while providing readers and publicity to the writers. Ezines receive much of their compensation from running Google ads.

But what if a writer submits nothing, no articles? Is he entitled to compensation in the form of publicity? Of course, he isn't.

And if the ezine doesn't exist, is it entitled to receive any rights to articles?

Heck, no.

But there is just such an ezine that doesn't function, yet it is fishing for the rights to apparently do as it wishes with the output of writers, without offering anything of current value, in turn.

As a fellow writer, let me caution you against doing business with anyone that has a come-on such as the following offer that was emailed to me, recently:


I am promoting a new article website. The site is now ready to accept new articles and I would like to invite you to publish some of the fantastic articles I have seen on the internet. Please visit --- to sign-up.

The site is currently not listed on most search engines as we are awaiting quality content for our readers before any search engines trawl the site. Once these articles are in place we are sure you will enjoy the benefits of high volume traffic to your site from ours.



Where is the value, here?

If they don't get enough quality articles, as they put it, will they even bother to promote the site?

Do yourself a favor. Deal exclusively with EXISTING sites that are already tracked by search engines. And don't give away any of your valuable rights without getting DEFINITE VALUE, in return.

Dr. Gary S. Goodman is a top trainer, conference and convention speaker, sales, customer service, and negotiation consultant, and attorney. A frequent expert commentator on radio and TV, he is also the best-selling author of 12 books, more than 1,000 articles and several popular audio and video programs. His seminars are sponsored internationally and he teaches at more than 40 university extension programs, including UC Berkeley and UCLA. Gary's sales, management and consulting experience is combined with impressive academic credentials: A Ph.D. from USC, an MBA from the Peter F. Drucker School of Management, and a J.D. degree from Loyola Law School, his clients include several Fortune 1000 companies.

His web site is: http://www.customersatisfaction.com and he can be reached at: gary@customersatisfaction.com - His blogs include: YOUR CUSTOMER SERVICE SUCKS! and ALWAYS COLD CALL! at: http://www.alwayscoldcall.blogspot.com

Article Income Secrets - How to Make Indirect and Direct Profits with Your Articles

Q: I've hear you say that you can make both indirect and direct profits from your articles. What's the difference between the two and how do you do it?

A: While there are those who will tell you that you cannot profit from your articles, let's start with 3 points about these folks:

1. They are wrong.

2. They are your competition.

3. This is a good thing.

With that out of the way, let's take a closer look at some indirect and some direct methods for profiting with your articles.

Indirect article profits

Indirect is all the traffic and visitors that come to your website from these articles you have out there, and all the inbound links you have from your articles out there. I've received new subscribers and added new list members while I have been writing this article.

All you have to do is get one article on EzineArticles.com and you have a link coming in from a website ranked consistently in the top 300 in the world.

Direct article profits

Now the direct way is taking the 7 tips articles or any other articles you write and building it out, expanding and repurposing it into different information products.

A 7 tips article (or any article) can be easily expanded and repurposed into the following information products:

  • a mini-guide
  • an ecourse or eprogram
  • an ebook
  • a teleseminar

From now on I want you to look at a simple article and see the many information products they can grow into, because that is how you can create your information empire with your articles.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at http://www.ArticleMarketingMinute.com

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Sizzling Article Marketing - 4 Mind-Blowing Tactics To Supercharge Your Article Marketing

Here's the type of marketing article you might write. Try to write a product or service review with every article if at all possible. People love reviews because they don't feel like you are selling anything to them.

Here are 4 mind-blowing tactics to supercharge your article marketing:

1. Let's say you have an affiliate product to sell pet products. Hopefully you have a lead capture page (homepage) setup to capture a customer's email address by offering a free report and free e-course about a topic related to pets. If not just remember to move in that direction over time.

2. Now, let's take things one step further and let's assume you want to write an article that you can submit to several article directories (FREE) to get a rush of traffic to your affiliate products, your own products and or your own website.

3. Here's the type of marketing article you might write. Try to write a product or service review with every article if at all possible. People love reviews because they don't feel like you are selling anything to them. I'm going to use "get rid of flees" as the actual keyword from my research criteria here. The title is a bit too long but I'm using this example to make a point here. Note the power words used in these examples below.

"Discover 5 Safe And Natural Remedies Guaranteed To Get Rid Of Flees In 5 Days Or Less Using Only Five Basic Ingredients Found Right In Your Pantry -- Plus Save Over $500 A Year On Harmful Pesticides".

Here is another example using these tactics...

"Discover An Amazingly Simple Yet Effective Shortcut To Housebreak Your New Puppy In 7 Days or Less...Spending Only 5 Minutes A Day"!

4. Spend 50% of your efforts on the "TITLE" of your marketing article! This is extremely important. If your title isn't full of benefits for it's readers, chances are the article won't even get read... so spend a lot of time on it!

I have dozens of articles from when I first started writing that need to be edited because they have boring titles. I had no idea of what I was doing a few years ago. I was so focused on the keyword aspects of the article titles. This is not wise to do.

You need to find a way to make each and every article title "Grab You By The Arm" as if saying, "Hey Look At Me Now and Read Me Now!"

Dean Shainin has helped hundreds of Internet marketers create wealth from their own online information product empire using article marketing tactics, secrets and techniques. Grab your free 10 page PDF Ebook from his "Secret Bum Marketing Golden Article Writing Formula" loaded with tactics and secrets at: http://www.bummarketingwiz.com/golden_writing