Earn Extra Cash

Monday, May 5, 2008

Article Marketing - How College Students Can Make Some Extra Money

Have you ever wondered if there was an easy way to make money on the web? Well, if you are already into writing content for the web, or for your forum, or even for school, there just may be a solution. Article writing, believe it or not, can be a very lucrative and yet easy way for college students to make some quick money on the web. The internet is really a large consortium of articles with quite literally millions and millions of pages of information, all at your fingertips. It is a library of knowledge that is never big enough, and constantly thirsts for information, every second of every day.

So how do you get started? Well, first you need to write an article. The article can be about anything; anything going on in the world or in your head. Don't feel like writing it yourself? Well, there are people out there you can hire to write these articles for you. These people are called "ghostwriters". Their job is to write articles about varying subjects and sell them for general use. These articles are designed to allow the buyer to place their name on them. Some sites allow submission of these articles, but they are often lower quality, and don't demand a very high price. The best strategy is to write an article yourself with approximately 200-400 words. You don't want the article too short, as you are providing value to the net. Too long, and the article sounds like a monologue.

Once you've written an article, now it is time to find a site that pays for articles. One of the best sites I have found is Associated Content . This site pays anywhere from $5 to $50 an article, depending on the quality and demand of your article. Articles that are in high demand are indicated on the site, and usually demand much higher payments. Before submitting your article, make sure to follow any guidelines specified. Also, indicate whether or not you would like to submit your article as "exclusive" or "non-exclusive". Exclusive means you are giving up your author rights to the website; meaning, you will not be able to use this article as your own again. Non-exclusive means exactly the opposite; you keep your author rights over the article. Exclusive articles usually demand the highest prices.

Another way to make money from your articles is to create your very own e-book. The book can perhaps be a school project or a college student term paper of interest. Or even, a solution to a problem. There are plenty of free guides out there that show you how to do this. Once you have created your masterpiece, you just need to sell it to the great wide world. One of the best ways to sell your creation is through an affiliate program. Sites like Clickbank or Commission Junction are available to assist you in this process. From here on, you can utilize your own clout on MySpace or FaceBook, in order to build clout and popularity toward your book; to help sell your book.

While writing articles may not make you rich, it definitely provides a good steady cash flow and is probably the most reliable way on the net for college students to make extra money.

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Article Marketing With Multiple Personalities

This is an article marketing method that I use frequently. I use something called multiple personality article marketing. This is where you create different accounts to write articles. Why would I do this? So I can talk about a topic even more. I can cover even more grounds if I write my articles in different article hosting servers.

It's all about writing the most amount of articles. And I can achieve this more if I use other article hosting servers. But you have to keep in mind, if you use this method, you are not allowed to copy and paste! This is the worst article marketing method that you can possibly use. So always write new and unique articles about your topic.

When I create different accounts, I usually do it because if I use two different accounts, more people will come to me. I'm simply covering more ground. That is what article marketing is all about. The ones who dominate their keyword with articles, are the ones who cover the most amount of ground. That is what you need to do. Even if that means creating new accounts. This is totally legal.

As a beginning article marketer, I must say that using this method is crucial. When your waiting for your pending articles, I demand that you write even more articles on a different account. That way, when your pending articles are trying to go through, you also have more articles on different accounts to go through. It's all about covering the most amount of ground the fastest.

Looking for new marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at http://www.marketingentity.com

Bio Production - Article Writing Success Depends on Creating a Productive Bio

No matter what the topic of your article, if your bio doesn't capture the attention of your reader, your article is just more content for the Internet. Research and Informational Writing often result in power-laden content that resounds with truth on the World Wide Web, but how do you pull traffic from that content back to your website? The Bio generates traffic back.

An effective bio can literally catapult your business forward, or hold you back.

If your purpose of creating web content is to bring traffic to your website, check your bios. Is it a newsy commentary that drives readers to click on the link or a disastrous ending to an otherwise worthy article? The most powerful bios often include very little information about the author, but more direction for the reader. If you can draw the reader into your thought process, pull their interest to knowing more about you, and direct them to click on the link to complete the process of getting to know what you're all about, you're ahead of the game.

What should you include in your bio?

1. Your link.

2. A captivating statement about your business that offers them a reason to click on the link.

3. An interesting but leading statement that tells them what to do next.

4. Give them something of value.

5. Your name, simply and completely tell them who you are and why they should do business with you.

By including these five simple items in your resource box bio, you'll have them eating out of your hands and rushing to your website to learn more about you. Or rather, and more importantly, what you offer...

Are you ready to multiply the results of your article writing campaign?

Learn the simple secrets of creating positive responsive articles at http://advertizeyourbusiness.com and claim your FREE 2 Article Template Packet, along with a FREE ezine Subscription.

Jan Verhoeff promotes high-impact article marketing as a primary source of online traffic, because it works.

2007- Jan Verhoeff

Article Marketing - Using Your Own Newsletters to Market Your Articles

Article marketing is a fantastic way to get the word out about what you do, and bring more traffic, prospects, publicity, and profits to your website.

One of the most powerful ways to market your articles is in your own newsletter. You are sending out your own newsletter aren't you?

If not I sure hope you use the tips in this article to start your own newsletter.

Each week in my and marketing success tips newsletter I used to the my own articles. One article is own article writing and the other article is on article marketing. This newsletter goes out every week, reaches thousands of people, keeps me in touch with my niche, and creates a stream of income for me.

One of the nice things about publishing a newsletter is that once you have the basic structure down you do not have to reinvent the wheel each week. You just fill in the blanks with new information.

Another great advantage to having a weekly newsletter is creating a newsletter archive. You can do to powerful things with a newsletter archive. One, you can use it as a sign up bonus when people subscribe to your newsletter. Once they have subscribed you give them access to all the previous newsletters on your website. The second great advantage is that when you create a new page in your website for each newsletter, that's one more page in your website with good content and your keywords for both the search engines and your ideal client to find.

Would you like free access to two more of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to http://www.TheArticleGuy.com/bonustemplates.htm

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit http://www.TheArticleGuyTeleSeminars.com to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

What's Killing Your Traffic

The winning formula for writing targeted traffic producing articles can be broken down into a few steps. Keyword research is a very intricate and important part of writing and submitting articles. It is also probably the most ignored part of writing articles. Usage of popular keywords, (words that are often used for searches on the Internet) will bring more targeted traffic to your article and/or website. As you write your article remain conscious of the keywords. Theyll definitely bring you traffic.

The length of the article is another important decision. Remember, you are not writing a book or screenplay. Your objective is to generate traffic. Many article publishers, webmasters, and bloggers find an ideal word count to be 400 800 words. Avoid writing an article of more than 800 words. The logic being, online reading concentration time, tends to be a bit less than offline. You want to keep your reader focused on content and have her finish your article.

The title of the article should be enticing. The readers have many choices online. We want her to choose your article. There are a few types of titles, well touch on two briefly today. There are problem based titles, and solution based titles. An example of a solution based title would be Five Secrets to Increasing Traffic. A title like that may have been a winner a few years ago, but its allure ability has faded over time. A problem based title would be Whats killing Your Traffic Which of the titles have more allure? Most people feel the latter title does. Remember the keywords are to be included in your title to increase your search and ranking on the Internet.

Now lets discuss the body of your article which is the content portion. It should be concise and to the point. To be most effective, it should be written from your readers perspective. In other words, readers are looking for information that meets their needs. A quality article thats to the point with rich content, will definitely find its way to avid readers. Those avid readers will generate targeted traffic to your website, which is one of our key objectives.

It is extremely important that you include your website URL in the resource box / signature box. Also include a few lines about yourself. This helps to establish you as a professional and increases your credibility. Ultimately your articles generate targeted traffic, increase your exposure and help to build your expert status.

Last but certainly not least, the most effective method of distribution is to submit your articles to article directories either manually or with an article submission company. EzineArticles.com and GoArticles.com are two of the highest ranked article submission sites. Submitting your articles to many of the top ranked article submission sites will help to ensure that your articles rank well in search engines. This in turn will generate additional targeted traffic for you.

I'm looking forward to reading your articles.

Rob L. Daniel is a United States Air Force veteran. For years he was a top-producing stockbroker, with the Investment banking firm of Lehman Brothers. He has had key sales and marketing positions in and outside of corporate America. He is a full time Internet marketer, with a fast track, global personal development company. He leads his team and helps others generate traffic and sales for their businesses. Currently he resides in Los Angeles, California.

TOPGUNS - Subscribe to our FREE Personal Development Ezine. We Interview Top Speakers, Top Trainers, & Top Authors, to Help You Become More Successful. Learn While You Earn. http://www.SuccessFolk.com

You have permission to republish and use this article in your newsletter,website,or blog as long as you leave the article fully intact, and include this resource box at the end of the article.

Internet Marketing Articles - Have You Ever Heard of PRE-Selling? Probably Not Like This!

Article marketing is said to be one of the absolute best ways to get the most highly targeted traffic to your website. If you haven't heard this yet, you will be hearing this again. Want to know something that will really help you be effective when writing Internet marketing articles? Don't write about your product or services!

Most of you haven't heard that before. Then why would I write articles you might ask? Simple, to passively introduce yourself using a concept called PREselling to find people that have an interest in topics related to your products or services so that when they do need or want to look at some specific information, you have already shown them that you are credible and capable of giving an unbiased opinion.

It's a simple strategy really, even though it is grossly underutilized. Your information or topic should cast a wider net than your products or services do. What I mean is, if you write an interesting article on where to place your tent so you don't get caught in a flash flood while you are sleeping, and then throw in 4 helpful tips on cleaning and storing your tent after use, that will cast a pretty broad net from someone that might be a serious camper to a back yard camper who just wants to store his tent properly.

When they get to your resource box, it is best to keep with this same strategy. Saying something to the effect of "For other useful tips and little known camping strategies visit our web site," and then give the link. Even when your reader gets to your website you don't pounce on them. Here you will have great content and useful information too.

In this case, let's say you have affiliate agreements with manufactures of all different types of camping gear. Instead of having big ads all through your content, a more effective method is to create pages on your site where you do multiple product reviews. For example, a compass review page where you took the top 5 compasses and reviewed them to help your potential customers find just the right compass for their particular needs.

This is the ideal way to use article marketing and the PREsell process to drive highly targeted traffic to your affiliate links which people can use to buy products in which you get paid for the marketing. Have you ever thought you could be more successful by being less pushy?

Let's look at this from the reader's perspective once. How many people do you think are out looking for compasses? Not very many. But if they are, let's say you get your 1% of them to come to you and buy a compass by paying for ads and not using the PREsell process. In contrast, by using the PREsell technique outlined above, you get your 1% plus. Let me give you an example of someone you would not have gotten if you had just written about compasses.

I am a father that is working with my son on merit badges. This last Saturday we camped out in the back yard for the first time. I wasn't quite sure how to take care of the tent so I did a search online to see what I could find. I ran across your article, and was glad to find just what I was looking for, a quick tip on cleaning and storing my new tent.

On the bottom, I see in the resource box, that your site provides other useful tips and strategies that I might need in the future. I go to your website to take a quick look and see what other info I might find useful. While reading another article, I see a link that I can read a review on 5 different compasses. This is cool, because I knew I needed to buy a compass for me and my son for scouts.

If there would have just been an ad, I would have read it and still taken some time to look at a few more ads to try and learn some more information before I bought anything. But after reading all 5 reviews, I could see exactly why one of them was just perfect for what I would need.

I was sure glad there was a link right there so I could just order that one, get what I needed, and not have to spend any more time on it.

This is the power of PREsell. Never would the reader put up their guard, because no one was every saying, hey look at me, I am the best - want to buy me? Which would put up anyone's guard. Instead, I provided the reader with the information that they needed to follow the natural course of how most people make a buying decision without any hype or pushiness.

What if the text links strategically placed throughout your site lead your readers to a page that had 8 links on it, each to a review of 5 different brands of the same type of products? Check out our review on 5 different flashlights. Check out our review on 5 different fishing poles. Check out our review on 5 different knives. None of these things were sold in your article, but all would be perfect fits for your readers.

Maybe you have affiliate agreements for all 5 products maybe you don't. But in either case, you have created an environment where your reader can buy what they need without ever having to feel pushed, threatened and defensively putting their guard up. I think you get the idea. This is article marketing utilizing PREselling at its best.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html

Earn Money Quickly - How To Find Products To Make Cash Fast

We live in a time where an increasing number of people are living from paycheck to paycheck with little, if any, money remaining at the end of pay period. Few people have insufficient savings for emergency situations. Unforeseen circumstances often create a crisis where money is needed immediately. For example: During the winter months, it's common for someone to have a fender bender with their car. Insurance covers most of the repair but there is a deductible which can be $500, $1000, or more. So, how does one come up with an extra $1000 quickly? Some people look at the internet as a potential source to earn money quickly. The internet is a good source to make cash fast, however, there are two issues that must be resolved: (a) what to sell? and (b) how to advertise? This article will identify three ideas on what to sell to make cash fast. Additional resources for further information will also be provided.

1. Information Products Write and sell your own e-book:

One of the best ways to get started in online marketing is to sell information product e-books. An e-book is a document that is created as a file on the computer. The e-book communicates information others will want to read. Generally an e-book is 30 or more pages long. An e-book can be delivered via the internet as a Microsoft Word document or a Text document, but the preferred method is as an Adobe PDF-format document.

There are two barriers most people need to overcome.

  • The first is that they're not a writer. The second is that they lack information of value that others will want to buy. The chances are that both of these are perceptions but not truth. If one can write an email and send it to a friend or business colleague, they can write an e-book. The document will need to be free of spelling errors and major grammatical errors. This can be overcome either by using the computer's spell-check and grammar-check tools or with the help of a friend that can do the editing.
  • The second barrier is that they don't have information of value that others will want to buy. It is necessary to have marketable knowledge, skills, or experience. For example, a person with experience or special knowledge as a gardener, landscaper, fix-it person, sheet-rocker, deck builder, money manager, golf instructor, coach, or electrician likely has information of marketable value. A person with a knack for explaining something, that often confuses other people, can market that ability. Take some time and think through these things. Talk to a friend, relative, or professional colleague and ask their opinion. All of the ideas that surface are source material for e-books.

2. Affiliate Marketing Become an Affiliate:

Many businesses have an Affiliate Program that offers others the opportunity to sell their products. The "affiliate" promotes their products online and receives a commission on all sales. It shouldn't cost anything to become an affiliate. However, the affiliate will need a website to market the products.

Entering into an Affiliate Agreement is fast and provides quick access to a broad variety of products and services. The affiliate's challenge is to find ways to effectively market these products and services.

It's easy to find businesses that offer an affiliate program. Let's assume a person wants to sell JEWELRY. Go to Google and enter in the phrase "jewelry +affiliate". Google will list numerous companies that offer affiliate programs associated with the sale of jewelry. Click on the search engine listing, look at the company's Affiliate Program Terms and Conditions, and sign up. It's as simple as that. Get some promotional materials from the company and start the online marketing of their products.

3. Online Auctions Sell items in an online auction:

Many people have a storage space in their basement, attic, or closet where they put things that seldom or never get used. After awhile, they've got so much stuff they start looking for more space. They might think of these items as "junk". In reality, they are sources of cash. Why not sell these items on the internet in an online auction. In many cases these items are worth more than one would anticipate.

Online auctions are a real easy way to earn money quickly. It's probably one of the best ways to make cash fast. Once all the personal items have been sold, offer to sell items for friends and neighbors. Take a percentage of the sale (e.g. 25% - 40% of the sell price). The friends or neighbors benefit from making money on the sale and they benefit by freeing up space taken by their "junk". A person can further expand this into a business by purchasing excess inventory at highly discounted prices and then turning around and selling those items for a profit. In many cases, the excess inventory can be purchased in an online auction. Auctions are a quick way to bring in some money and a website is not needed to make it happen. Furthermore, it is not necessary to be a "business" to sell personal items online.

Ebay makes it very easy to set up an account at no charge. Once an account is set up, a person can sell most anything. There are multiple ways to receive payments with no up-front expense to the seller. Just list the item, download a digital photo of the item to be sold, and enter a description for the item. Another benefit of an online auction is that the search feature in the auction site makes it very easy for products to be found.


There are multiple alternatives available to anyone that wants to sell products online and earn money quickly. You don't have to be wealthy or a college graduate to come up with a product to sell and to market that product online. It just takes a strong desire to make it happen and the discipline to stick with it once you've started.

Expert advice for individuals needing to earn money quickly and to help them find products that can be sold to make cash fast When unforeseen circumstances require you to earn money fast check out these resources.