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Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Secret Article Profits - This One Review Will Expose The Truth About Making Profits From Articles

Secret Article Profits Review - Recently, a young marketer called Dylan Loh released his blueprint on how to make money from articles named Secret Article Profits. I was lucky enough to to grab a copy from Dylan himself and managed to size up Secret Article Profits for a few hours. This article will put my thoughts down in black and white.

You may already know that writing articles is a very profitable way to make a side income or even a full-time income online. It is definitely a great way for newcomers to make their first dollar on the Internet. This method of earning affiliate commissions has been coined Bum Marketing. However, contrary to the name itself, there is a little work involved, but the rewards are long-lasting and great. However, you need to master the formula to maximize your earnings. This is where Secret Article Profits comes in.

Secret Article Profits goes into the basics first before flying head first into the advanced strategies like niche selection, keyword selection, and how to write eyeball-grabbing headlines. I particularly like the part where Dylan shows you exactly how to write resource boxes that really pull in the clicks.

Moving away from affiliate commissions, Secret Article Profits also shows you to use your Paypal account to pull in cash from your articles as well. I know this tip will be worth thousands to many who have bought it because I have used it myself! This is probably the best article marketing product I have seen over the past year, so you would do well to get it if you want to master this totally free method to making lots of commissions of online.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to http://www.MurderYourJob.com to get your free copy now before its gone!

Make Money Writing Short, Crisp Articles - Here's What You Have To Do

Everyone, and I mean everyone, who participates on the internet in terms of forums or just communicating with others by email, have the capacity to make their living writing. Most people have this conception of being a writer, as being some sort of literary genius, however, most successful writers simply write like they talk. It is the golden rule.

I don't mean using slang or having spelling mistakes in your work. But a 10 second scan with a spell checker fixes this problem quickly. What I mean, is people think they have to be Hemmingway to get paid for a writing job, when all that is required is to fill some space with a targeted small amount of writing.

You have to look at the people paying for this work, the people that pay you to write, to understand how this works. Webmasters are the largest collective group of writing work consumers on the planet. Webmasters make websites and have a huge need for short competent articles on a multitude of topics. Why would they pay you for your work? Because typically, they want to put advertising next to your articles or they want to sell the work on to others. Either way, the point is they want padding. They want some substance and all you have to do is do some quick research on the topic required, and describe those concepts in your own words in an original way. How simple is that?

To be a writer, you only need the willingness to write and to do the simple steps to get your writing sell-able and that just means two steps. First just spill out your article onto the page, which takes approximately 3 minutes. Then run a spell checker over it and fix any spelling errors. Then take a minute to Read the article and repair any awkward phrases or clumsy grammar. Do that, and your article is worth money!

Imagine quitting your day job in the next 3 days, you can, you know, you can write articles for a living just like me and thousands of others do. Discover how to get paid $90 dollars per hour or even more doing simple, short articles. Genuine work from home opportunity, replace your day job income working only 3 hours a day - click the link below to become a paid writer


Does Article Marketing Work?

I am a person who is interested in all aspects of search engine optimisation, web promotion and web marketing. I have to admit that I am a bit of a geek as I love to read through the seo forums. I learn quite a lot from these forums however am also, at times, left feeling a little bemused. I can never quite get my head around the amount of people that criticise article marketing. In this article, I am going to be sticking up for writing articles as a form of website promotion by explaining why I believe article marketing works.

The days of buying links to get you to the top of the search engine rankings has gone. Excessive reciprocal linking has also been banished to the wayside. The importance of obtaining one-way links, links that are not paid for, has never been so apparent.

Writing an article and submitting it to a couple of article directories costs nothing. The article should be around three to find hundred words in length, it should be original and of use to any reader.

I am fully aware that the main links that people gain via article marketing are quite poor, however if you stick with it for long enough, you are bound to obtain a few decent ones as well.

I have been writing and submitting about five articles per week for the last three years now and the results have been quite outstanding.

I am going to continue on this trend and would advise other people to start writing articles as a free and easy way to rise up the rankings. It is quite simple, the more articles you write, the more products you will sell. Good luck and I hope article marketing proves as beneficial to you as it has for me.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including: therapy for stuttering
articles about debt consolidation
centre for laser surgery

Article Marketing to Create a Website Traffic Stampede

Article marketing has rightly become the latest weapon in the Internet Marketers battle for success. This can prove to be an extremely effective method of generating traffic for your website, no matter what the content or purpose of your site may be.

One thing is for sure, you can have the best website absolutely filled to the brim with the best products or services, but without traffic you will starve.

The other major thing to bear in mind is that the traffic has to be qualified and almost laser targeted in order to deliver people who are in the right frame of mind to do what you want when they get to your website.

Using the strategy of Article Marketing correctly actually produces several results in one hit, which is great for you as the author as you get maximum effect for the effort.

The article needs to give the reader quality content, it should be rich in the keywords that you would like to rank well in Search Engine results. It must also have a strong call to action in the right place.

The net result of a well structured article will be :

Highly qualified visitors, due to the fact that they read your article and clicked through from a link in order to get more information.

Visitors who are already in the right frame of mind to do what you want them to do, again because they liked your article and are hungry for what you have to offer. They have already begun to build that all important relationship with you.

Combine your articles with the correct landing page and you will be in a position to maximise the Traffic Stampede that will surely arrive at your site.

Bio: Phill Hopkins has earned his fulltime living via the Internet since 2005, prior to that he spent 15 years as a freelance consultant to Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 companies, working all over the world

To learn more about this technique then go get my free ebook on Article Marketing and Website Traffic Stampede right now at http://www.93ways.com/trafficstampede.htm

Article Marketing - Stay-at-Home Moms Give a Variety of Solutions and Then Identify the Best

Moms can use these techniques to help their customer first learn what their options are and then help them see which solution best fits their needs. This way when they get to the website or sales letter, they are already educated on the best benefits and features to look for. Of course you are not going to write about problems you don't have solutions for.

One of the most common mistakes that people just getting started with article marketing make, and one that every stay-at-home mom should really make an effort to avoid, is they write about the things that they think would be the most interesting to their potential customer. This alone is not enough.

The most effective method of writing articles is to understand the mindset of your customer. What does that mean, and how do you do that? Instead of thinking in general terms what might be important to a potential customer, you first need to identify specifically who the ideal customer is.

For example, if your ideal customer would be a stay-at-home mom trying to find ways to earn some of her own money, you might want to think about her motives for doing that. For example, some women before staying home to raise their children had good jobs and were use to having their own money.

They miss the independence they once felt from earning their own money. Maybe they just want the freedom to have and spend some money that they don't have to account for.

Another possibility might be that a woman is grateful that her husband has made it possible for her to stay home and she knows that he really hates his job, and as he is getting older, it is taking its toll on his body. In this case, maybe her motivation is that she wants to be able to develop an income that her and her husband can rely on so he can quit his job.

In either case, she may not have a lot of money to start something from home, so she will want to find something that she can begin to generate money through her own efforts rather than spending a lot of money on marketing.

Knowing these things about your ideal client, and making sure you address these issues when writing articles and copy, can help them feel better understood. Having their specific concerns being addressed makes it easier for them to be able to make a buying decision, or to feel comfortable to try and get more information.

You may have the best product or opportunity in the world, but if you don't talk about how its features and benefits specifically address the concerns of your ideal customer, you can't expect that they will easily make the connections themselves.

It is your job, in article marketing, to PREsell the potential customer by giving them information that is specific to them, their wants and needs, and to make the connections between the different solutions -- then help them identify which features and benefits will best satisfy their specific wants and needs. In other words, not talking about how a specific feature will help them make money, but talking about how the specific feature making them more money will help them regain the sense of independence they once felt, when they were making money on their own. See the difference? If you can do this they will want to get more details.

If you can do this, they are going to want to see your offer. You do this, and they are going to get excited about getting started because they know the sooner they get started, the sooner they can have that independence and freedom they so miss.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques. http://aggressiveinternetmarketing.net/free-tool.html

Article Marketing Secrets Revealed

Use article marketing to start an internet business especially if you do not have a budget. Most of the methods like pay per click, ezine and banner advertising cost money to drive traffic. The free methods like traffic exchanges, FFA leads and classified advertising produce leads less willing to buy. With article marketing your leads already know you from your articles and this makes them more qualified to buy from you as they would not have clicked through to your website if they did not trust you.

Choose your target market and write about a topic that interests you and that you can give expert advice on. Brainstorm your ideas and find a topic related to your website. You need to also specifically write for your target audience.

Before writing your article you need to determine your title. You need a headline that grabs attention to get the reader's attention. You also need to use a keyword research tool like Wordtracker to determine the keywords you need in your headline. You need to look for keywords searched often and not too much competition. Once you have determined these keywords you need to incorporate this into your your title. Search engines will index the article on popular directories like EzineArticles.

Write the introduction and conclusion next as this will get your creative juices flowing. You need to bullet all the points you would like to write about next. Expand on these points and write them in full.

You need to proof you article once completed and check for grammar and spelling mistakes. You can sleep on it and check it the next day. You can also let a friend or relative give you feedback on your article. Use a free editor like Notetab lite to format your article into 60 characters. You can also use a feature in Notetab lite where you can split and join lines. This allows you to easily remove hard returns which some article directories do not allow.

You need to add a summary two to three sentences in length to describe your article. You need to also choose your keywords for your article, write a compelling resource box where you will represent your unique selling proposition and a call to action to visit your website or download a free report.

Submit your articles to the most popular article directories like EzineArticles.com and you can submit to the less popular directories to generate backlinks for your website. Article marketing needs to be done consistently to see traffic. Writing consistently your search engine rankings will improve as more websites publish your articles and you get more backlinks.

Would you like to know more about how I do it? I have completed my new guide where I reveal the secrets to how I earned my first $100,000 online.

Download it free here: Secrets Of Internet Marketing

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Mark Abrahams has created the ultimate blog with secrets to generate multiple streams of internet income.

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Bum Marketing Methods - How To Make Money By Doing Nothing

You are probably wondering what bum marketing is, and how you can make money from it yourself. It is quite simple really, all you need to do is find an affiliate program you like, and then promote it using free outlets such as Squidoo or Blogger. By creating a web of interconnected articles marketing your products as well as your other articles, you will gain organic traffic quickly and easily. By using article marketing you allow your articles to be picked up by giants such as Google and Yahoo without actually dedicated all that much time or resources to building backlinks as you would need to if you planned on starting your own website.

Bum marketing is based off keyword research, you need to find a niche and work from there. Gurus will pick the highly competitive niches as they will yield the highest results if they are done correctly but for new bum marketers it is a far better idea to start small. Find a niche that isn't overly competitive that has products to be sold. This can take time, you need to do research to determine what markets are flooded with affiliate marketers and which aren't, a good way to determine this is to do a Google search for keywords you would like your bum marketing articles to target. If there is a full page of Google AdWords results (11 sponsored links) then you most likely will not fair too well to begin with in this niche. Finding the right niche can be hard but once you do you should stick with it and watch the profits soar. Once you have a niche, all of your articles, webpages, sales pitches, etc. will become relevant to each other, and through this relevancy you can increase traffic and sales conversions across the board as you target new keywords. The key to bum marketing is getting organic traffic. While there are millions of marketers that manage to make money without organic traffic (traffic that comes naturally from search results as opposed to paying for advertising) you will need a solid base of organic traffic.

My personal steps for using bum marketing on various products:

  • Find a niche that isn't overly crowded that you can talk about.

  • Find products within the niche that are the right price and quality so that they will lead to sales and therefore commissions.

  • Research keywords that could be used to search for that specific product as well as general keywords that people would search for that may be willing to buy the product.

  • Build a Squidoo lens or a Blogspot blog for the product giving an unbiased review (I never sell products that don't work well, I refuse to scam people for money).

  • Build backlinks for the lens or blog, typically with a little bit of article marketing and purchasing a social bookmarking package from a SEO firm.

  • Promote products using social networks such as Facebook and MySpace, especially MySpace.

  • Watch the commissions roll in as I hit the front page of Google and Yahoo, and find ways to expand my product line using traffic from various sources.

Bum marketing or even affiliate marketing in general is not for everyone. In order for it to work, you must be patient, there is no other option. I started using bum marketing a few months back and now it is already paying large dividends for me. I'm currently a 19 year old freshman college student yet I am making enough money online to pay for my graduate school as well as a brand new car, hopefully this information will lead to your success as well. For additional resources on bum marketing I would highly suggest checking out some of the links below.

To increase the visibility of your own web enterprises, consider visiting the following Squidoo lenses:

Bum Marketing Your opportunity to steal some of my marketing tactics to be on the road to success yourself.

Social Bookmarking Services to gain backlinks, search engine placement, and traffic.

LazyURL to optimize your site for search engines and any other online marketing purpose.